【禁闻】女孩致信胡温申冤 一万五手印支持















采访/朱智善 编辑/唐睿 后制/薛莉

15,000 Fingerprints Support Falun Gong Petition Letter

The father of Qin Rongqian, a 23-year-old girl from Yichun,
Heilongjiang, was tortured to death in Harbin jail.
Her mother and sister appealed for justice,
but were sent to a labor camp.
Heilongjiang High Court filed the case,
but a trial has not yet been arranged.
The story of Qin’s family has won people’s sympathy.

15,000 people signed a letter
with their fingerprints in support of Qin.
Qin also wrote an open letter to the Central Chinese
leaders, including Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao and Xi Jinping.
She urged them to show concern for the case.

What is the latest news on Qin’s family?
Let’s take a look.

On July 1, Qin wrote an open letter to Chairman Hu Jintao,
Premier Wen Jiaobao and Vice Chairman Xi Jinping.
She described her family’s tragedy.

Qin wrote: “I went to Jiamusi Prison,
and saw a scene of horror.
My father’s body wounded all over,
and his lips had tuned purple.
Blood poured out from his mouth and nose.

His facial expression indicated that he had been suffering,
and his neck and back were covered in bruises.
When we saw him his body still had warmth left,
but we had to accept the crucial fact.”

Qin’s father Qin Yueming was jailed for 10 years
in 2002, because he practiced Falun Gong.
He was jailed in Jiamusi Prison.

On Feb. 26, 2011, his daughter Qin Rongqian
received a telephone call from the prison.
They told her that her father had “suddenly died”.

An insider said that in order to force Qin Yueming
to give up his faith in prison, he was being tortured.
They used methods such as “Tying the Ropes”,
“Pouring Cold Water” and “Brutal Beating”.
Qin Yueming resisted the brutal persecution
and started to hunger strike.
He was then given brutal force-feeding.

A rubber tube was pushed down his throat,
and into his lung, which caused his death.

Xing Tianxing, a current affairs commentator said that
this Falun Gong practitioner upheld his faith.
However, he was illegally jailed and persecuted.

This shows that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
persecution of Falun Gong is severe and brutally.

Xing Tianxing: “After he died of brutal torture,
his family investigated the truth behind his death.
However, the authorities arrested
and jailed his wife and children.
I can’t see anything in the world that compares
to what the authorities have done.”

On August 5, 2011, Jiamusi Prison reported “Qin Yueming
died of natural causes, thus no compensation will be issued”.
On Sept. 8, 2011, Heilongjiang High Court Compensation
Committee accepted the family’s request, and filed a case.
However, the court didn’t take any further action,
nor has the Judge Wang Binhong appeared.

Activist lawyer Zhang Zanning said that according to law,
if the High Court filed a case, they should start the process.
However, Zhang understands that the court has internal rules.
Any Falun Gong case will not be processed.

Zhang Zanning: “The ‘law’ used to deal
with Falun Gong is above the law.
There is no law to protect Falun Gong
practitioners legitimate rights.
They use outside means to deal with Falun Gong.”

In June 2012, Qin Rongqian began
asking for support on the street.
Within 15 days, 15,000 signatures
with finger prints were collected.

Xing Tianxing: “Although the persecution of Falun Gong
has lasted for many years, I have read many cases.
However, for this case, when
it was revealed, it still shocked me.
I read it and cried, as I think it is too cruel.”

Xing Tianxing believes that so many people signing
the petition in such a short space of time indicates
that the cruelty in the persecution towards Falun Gong has
awakened people’s humanity. People no longer have any fear.
Each fingerprint represents a person’s strong mind
in wanting to stop the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong.
They also genuinely want to help this child.

Our NTD reporter was informed that on July 5,
Qin Rongqian will appeal to the High Court again, this time with 3 lawyers.
