【禁闻】谷歌遭黑客“钓鱼” 美:战争行为



谷歌网络安全负责人格罗斯(Eric Grosse) 在网上一份声明中表示,最近发现黑客通过“网络钓鱼”(phishing)的骗术,搜集很多相关的关键词。

“网络钓鱼”是通过大量发送声称来自于银行,或其他知名机构的欺骗性垃圾邮件,意图引诱收信人给出敏感信息(如用户名、口令、账号ID 、 ATM PIN 码或信用卡详细信息)。












Google Hacked: Act of War

Google recently announced that, hundreds of its
e-mail accounts were hacked, using virus “phishing,"
including those of senior U.S. officials, journalists,
and Chinese activists. Google said the campaign to
steal users’ passwords originated from Jinan, China.
The U.S. says the cyber attack may be “an act of war.”

Google revealed on June 1, that hackers attempted
to enter hundreds of users’ private email accounts.
These users include senior U.S. officials,
Chinese human rights activists, and journalists.

Eric Grosse, head of Network Security at Google,
said in an online statement that it recently discovered
that hackers used “phishing" to collect keywords.

“Phishing" is sending a large number of spam emails,
from supposedly reputable organizations, in order to
lure the recipient into giving out sensitive information
such as user names, passwords, and credit card details.

The most typical “phishing" attack involves luring
the recipient to a similar “phishing website." This site
will then capture the info entered in by the users.
Usually this attack process does not alert the victims.
It is a form of “social engineering attacks."

A Google spokesman explained that the purpose of
the hack was to monitor email messages.
The hackers are said to originate from Jinan, China.

Google said they interrupted the hackers’ attack
then notified the affected Google Mail users
and relevant U.S. government departments.

The U.S. Defense Department said the U.S. would
treat this “cyber attack" as “an act of war."

Several U.S. defense industry contractors’ network,
including Lockheed Martin, were hacked recently.
The firms possess sensitive info on U.S. defense.
The contractors said hackers broke their security.

Some U.S. media and netizens accused China.
Washington Post and Fox News said that it is
“common practice," in such hacking attacks,
to point the finger at the Chinese authorities.

U.S. officials stressed, if key networks are attacked,
U.S. president would consider economic sanctions,
cyber revenge, or military attacks.

According to BBC China, Germany plans to establish
a “National Cyber Defense Center" in 2011, to deal
with the cyber attacks on government organizations.

On May 27, German Interior Ministry spokesman,
Paris, said, “Germany has advanced technology,
thus, it is a very attractive target of cyber attacks.”
The German government recorded only 900 attacks
in 2009, but a massive 1,600 digital attacks in the
first half of 2010. There are also a large number
of undocumented attacks. He said, “the vast majority
of attacks were from China.”

Hackers in China launched a more extensive network
attack on Google in 2010. Human rights groups
condemned the attack and Beijing’s censorship
of Chinese activists, as well as its strict control.

Beijing has not commented on Google’s statement.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Xiao Yu
