【禁聞】阻中共強摘器官 逾215美議員聯署




眾議院外委會亞太小組主席、資深國會議員史蒂夫•夏伯特(Steve Chabot)表示,281號決議案獲得了亞太小組的全體支持。他說:「違背人們的意願,進行器官移植的行徑,應該受到譴責,這是完全不可接受的,令人毛骨悚然!」



281號決議案發起人之一,眾議院外交關係委員會前主席、佛州共和黨籍資深眾議員羅斯•雷婷恩(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)表示,有大量證據顯示,法輪功學員的器官被中共活摘,並被放在市場上販賣。這種罪行是十分邪惡和可怕的行為,必須制止!



美國眾議院資深國會議員、外委會資深成員、政府監督與調查小組委員會主席德納•羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)表示,這一活摘器官的野獸罪行是謀殺,這個決議案將有長久的效應,至少可以警醒美國人民,這一可怕的謀殺正在進行。







採訪/秦雪 編輯/陳潔 後製/李智遠

Over 215 House of Representatives Support H. Res. 281

Following the European Parliament’s resolution passed
last December, asking the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
to immediately stop forced organ harvesting, the H. Res. 281
by U.S. Congress reported in July has also won support
from 215 House of Representatives members.

Here’s the report.

The U.S. House Resolution 281 is gaining support from
a subcommittee of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Asia and the Pacific, and is now awaiting a final vote.

The Resolution explicitly calls on the CCP to immediately end
the practice of organ harvesting from all prisoners;
demands an immediate end to the 15-year persecution of
the Falun Gong spiritual practice and the immediate release
of all Falun Gong practitioners and prisoners of conscience.

Chairman and Congressman Steve Chabot has indicated that
the H. Res. 281 has won the support of the entire committee
on Asia and the Pacific.

He says forcibly harvesting organs against a person’s will
is absolutely unacceptable and should be condemned.

Chabot says live organ harvesting is happening now
but many people are not aware of it.

He believes the United States should play a role
in exposing the CCP’s crimes to the world.

Tang Jitian, human rights lawyer: “If the US Congress uses
their power to urge the US administration to pay attention to
China’s human rights and prompt the CCP to adopt
international standards and improve the human rights,
it would be good news for both China and the world."

Sponsor of the resolution No. 281, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
says that there is a large amount of evidence showing
the selling of forcibly harvested organs, and such ghoulish
and heinous crimes must be stopped.

Han Zhiguang Beijing lawyer: “Live organ harvesting is
a crime that some people question for not having seen it
with their own eyes; it’s hard for me to believe it really exists
because it’s too cruel and will cause wide-spread indignation;
the criminals will certainly be punished by law."

On Oct. 21, the World Organization to Investigate
the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) revealed
a number of telephone recordings.

Included was a call to Liang Guanglie, former Minister for
China’s National Defense, in which he admitted that
the Central Military Commission had discussed the detention
of Falun Gong practitioners, and that the military hospitals
were engaging in live organ harvesting.

Another call was to Bai Shuzhong, ex- director of the Health
Department of the PLA General Logistics Department,
who admitted that former CCP leader, Jiang Zemin, had
directly ordered the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher says the crimes of
organ harvesting are murderous.

The Resolution will have a lasting effect in alerting
Americans that such terrible murder is in progress.

Wang Yajun, Beijing lawyer: “Whether it’s an international
convention or national law, live organ harvesting is murder
and any evidence should be made public, but in China,
the environment does not allow it."

“But no matter what, everyone should try to expose this
criminal act, call on others to expose it, and put sanctions
on the people who are accountable."

Lawyer Tang Jitian was illegally detained for 15 days
for defending Falun Gong practitioners.

After his release, NTD was told that he had been tortured
during detention and the police had threatened to
take his kidney and bury him alive.

But Tang Jitain still finds the bloody cruelty of
live organ harvesting hard to believe.

Tang Jitian: “There are some reports on the Internet about
organ harvesting; if it’s true, it’s no ordinary criminal offense,
but a systematic crime against humanity."

“Those who conduct the acts or direct the acts will be
punished by laws and international sanctions."

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has pointed out that
after the Congress passes the H. Res. 281, those involved
in the crimes will be located and brought to justice.

The criminals will be presented to the CCP
and the CCP should be held accountable the crimes.

It is understood that after the midterm elections,
more congressmen who endorsed the H. Res. 281
will be included in the congressional record,
when parliament resumes.

Interview/QinXue Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
