【禁聞】港公投黑客現形 4成來自中資公司




為了力保投票系統能夠正常運轉,公投聘用了擁有超過150萬客戶的美國網絡性能評估和安全服務公司「Cloud Flare」(雲火炬)迎戰黑客,這家公司總裁(Matthew Prince)在接受美國《華爾街日報》採訪時形容,黑客無所有不用其極,手法極為成熟。他說:「他們幾乎用盡書本上任何一種招數。有些招數,前所未見。」








張新宇:「因為中共它自己也知道自己政權的本性是一個獨裁政權,一講起『民』這個字,它就很敏感,因為它是反民主的嘛! 因為它知道香港搞民意這樣的活動一定會影響到中國大陸,那麼它必然會採取一切手段的。其中一切手段裡面就包括黑客攻擊。它自己認為這是它經過很長時間,20年的打造,打造出這麼一個所謂保護它自己的武器。」


採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/李勇

Beijing Behind Cyber Attacks on Hong Kong Poll?

June 22, Hong Kong movement for democracy’s referendum,
faced the second largest cyber attack in history.
While the public suspect the ‘herder’ behind the attack,
Hong Kong Internet security experts analyzed,
40% of the attacks came from Chinese-funded institutions.

Referendum organizers believe that the Communist regime
was directing the attack.

By 19:00 hours June 24, more than 735,000 people participated
in the Occupy Central referendum, reported Hong Kong media.
Nearly 700,000 electronic votes were registered,
in spite of massive cyber attacks on June 20th

CloudFlare, the web performance and security service
for more than 1.5 million websites, was tasked to protect
the online polling system.

Matthew Prince, CEO of CloudFlare, told Wall Street
Journal, the online assault was ‘one of the largest and most
sophisticated’ attacks in Internet history.

Benny Tai, an organizer of Occupy Central, indicated
the hackers used a distributed denial-of-service attack
(DDoS), which generated 300 gigabytes (GB)
per second of traffic, only second to the largest attack
in history at 400 GB per second.

Occupy Central had experienced a cyber attack
on June 13 when pre-registration was initiated.
In 24 hours, more than 10,000 Hong Kongers logged on.

However, the system went down the next day
due to a severe DDoS attack.

Meanwhile, all domain names ‘.hk’ were also under attack.

Internet traffic was seriously jammed from the afternoon
of June 20.
Including the referendum website Popvote.hk, many websites
containing .hk domain were down.
The scale of the attack was rare in Hong Kong and the world.

Where did these hackers come from?
Who is the operator behind them?
What is the purpose of the attack?

Sang Young, referendum cyber security consultant, announced
on June 23 that preliminary analysis of attacks
in the pre-registration on June 13 and 14 showed 40% of IP
addresses were associated with Chinese-funded institutions,
reported Voice of America.

Zhang Xinyu, founder of Global Information Freedom
Movement website:"There are some people in the Communist Party
who had the foresight.
In fact, since the 1990s, they have engaged
in using cyber attacks, hackers and viruses.
I was teaching computing to the automation command
division of the military in Guangzhou.
I learned the fact at that time."

According to AFP, the referendum organizer believed
the large-scale attack could only have been carried out
by Beijing, based on resources, motivation and severity.

Zhang Xinyu: “The Communist regime is aware of its own
Democracy is a sensitive term to the regime.
The democratic activity in Hong Kong will surely affect China.
It will use all means, including hacking, which took 20 years
to build, to protect its power."

Zhang Xinyu indicates the nature of the Internet is to allow
people to connect freely.
The Communist regime is fighting against the law of nature
by launching cyber attacks.
The CCP’s intention to change public opinion
will only be counterproductive.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/LiYong
