【禁聞】周永康老巢被揭 民間洞若觀火


















採訪編輯/唐音 後製/李智遠

Ancestral Exposure of Zhou Yongkang’s Web

The former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Politburo Standing
Committee member Zhou Yongkang has not been forgotten.
Western media recently reported on Zhou Yongkang’s family,
and even his family tombstones.
Following the recent investigation of Sichuan tycoon Liu Han,
close allies of Zhou’s son, Zhou Bin,

even though the regime has been silent about Zhou’s case,
activists see clearly the fate of Zhou Yongkang.
Let’s take a look at the analysis.

On April 1, Wall Street Journal carried detailed reports on
Zhou Yongkang’s hometown in Jiangsu over two articles:
“Chinese Dragnet Entangles Family of Former Security
Chief, Zhou Yongkang"

and “Zhou Yongkang’s Story Inscribed on Tombstones".

Zhou Yongkang had long been in control of the Chinese oil system.
Zhou’s corruption case involves his relatives and cronies and an
estimated 90 billion yuan RMB.

Chen Shuqing, committee of the China Democracy Party in
Zhejiang: “Absolute power leads to absolute corruption.
The Communist regime has all the necessary factors and conditions.
The law can’t restrict it and people can’t monitor it effectively
because of the secrecy.
Especially in the case of Zhou Yongkang, the Godfather of the
Political and Legal System, he manipulated the violent mechanisms
to control endless corruption."

Recently, Zhan Minli, mother-in-law of Zhou Yongkang’s son,
Zhou Bin,
confirmed to the western media that her husband Huang Yusheng,
daughter Huang Wan and Zhou Bin have been detained separately
by the Beijing authorities.

The Chinese media has focused the report on Zhou Bin, such as:
“Zhou Bin, in the name of his father", “The richman, Zhou Bin,
and his uncles" and “Zhou Bin’s three white gloves."

Former prosecutor of Anhui, Shen Liangqing indicates that the
family corruption is closely ingrained with the system of the CCP

Shen Liangqing, activist and former Anhui prosecutor:
“Monopoly of power itself is the biggest corruption.
The institutional corruption in the new totalitarian era is actually
a process of power marketization.
Such corruption is very serious and one of the worst of
capitalisms – crony capitalism."

Sichuan billionaire Liu Han was on trial on March 31.
The reports alleging Liu Han murdering business rival through
Zhou Bin’s father, and Liu Han’s receiving state projects through
Zhou Bin have been kept going on-line.

On March 31, the CCP mouthpiece also cited old stories:
In 1986, several children of Shanghai high officials were killed
in the so-called crackdown.
Former Chairman of the CCP Deng Xiaoping was cited,
“We need to kill more".

The Epoch Times has reported that Zhou Yongkang has allowed
Zhou Bin to collect bribes from executed prisoners’ families to
replace them with Falun Gong practitioners for organ harvesting.

After execution, they did organ harvesting immediately on
live Falun Gong practitioners.

Shen Liangqing: “The crime against humanity and the crime of
genocide are not an individual problem, but the entire CCP ruling
The CCP regime is the criminal.
They can’t investigate it because the state is committing the crime."

Charges of genocide and crimes against humanity have been
brought up by many countries against Zhou Yongkang.

Chen Shuqing: “The CCP will lose its legitimate and legal
standing if they tackle the crimes of Jiang Zemin and Zhou
The crimes they have committed definitely should be
investigated, but the CCP will not do it."

In addition, the coup planed by Zhou Yongkang,
even though receiving much attention in the Western media,
was never mentioned in China.

Shen Liangqing: “The coup is a political crime.
However, the CCP is a totalitarian state; the regime itself is
an illegal gangster regime.
Whether the coup is a crime or not, what is the relation between
the coup and the people?
It is embarrassing for them to place it on the table."

The 71 years old Zhou Yongkang is nephew-in-law of the
former Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin.
Between 2007 to 2012, Zhou Yongkang was the Secretary
of the CCP Central Political and Legal Committee.
After the 18th CCP National Congress in 2012, a large number
of his cronies in Sichuan, political and legal system and oil
system were sacked.
Currently he is imprisoned for investigation.
British media FT recently reported that he is anticipated to be
prosecuted within a few weeks.

Interview & Edit/ Post-Production/
