

儘管中共總理李克強的「兩會記者會」,沒有提及前中共政治局常委周永康案,但是,大陸媒體對「周案」的持續曝光並沒有停止, 3月13號,《21世紀經濟報導》又爆出一個與周永康兒子周濱案有關的重要涉案人。













Mainland Media Zaibao Released Important People Involved
In Zhou Yongkang’s Case

Although the former Politburo Standing Committee Zhou
Yongkang’s case was not mentioned at Chinese Premier Li
Keqiang’s press conference, it is continually exposed by
mainland media.
March 13, 21st Century Economic Report released an important
person involved in Zhou Bin’s case.

According to the report, the dismissal of former director of
Chengdu Quality and Technical Supervision Sun Jiancheng
involved in mysterious Zhou Bin and Zhou Feng case in addition
to Li Chuncheng’s case.
As we all know, Zhou Bin is the eldest son of Zhou Yongkang
and Zhou Feng is the son of Zhou Yongkang’s brother Zhou Yuanqing.

The report said Sun Jiancheng and Zhou cousins have secret
Currently, the report in the 21st Century Economic Report
website has been removed.

Beijing activist Cao Shunli passed away in captivity

Cao Shunli passed away at 4pm of March 14 due to the health
deteriorating because of the long-term detention.

According to the British Reuters, Cao Shunli’s attorney will
sue the Beijing Chaoyang District Detention Center with her family.

Amnesty International organization also condemned Chinese
authorities have bloody hands.

Cao Shunli was arrested by Beijing police last September 14 at
the Beijing Capital International Airport to Geneva, Switzerland
on charge of the crime of provocation.

Her family and lawyer applied for medical parole a couple of
times due to health deteriorated sharply, but refused.
February 1. Cao Shunli was sent to the 999 emergency center
because of coma.

“Skynet" director Huang Qi was continually summoned by the police

March 14, Mainland 64 Skynet director Huang Qi was
summoned by Beijing police in Chengdu.
That was the second time.

Before that day, the Chinese authorities confiscated his five
computers, mobile phones and other devices and took him from
home to Chengdu South Railway Station police station about 6 hours.

The summon reason is provocation and the summon was issued
by the Beijing Public Security Bureau

Huang Qi told Voice of America that Beijing police summoned
him as suspect because of three reporters Wang Jing, Liu
Xue-hong and Xing Jian.

Three 64 Skynet reporters reported self-immolation incident in
Tiananmen Square, and some petitioners activism during the
two sessions.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
