【禁聞】浙江確診H7N9死亡例 官方曾闢謠

【新唐人2013年04月04日訊】浙江確診H7N9死亡例 官方曾闢謠

浙江確診H7N9死亡例 官方曾闢謠





普京簽署反腐令 網友籲習近平效仿











Hangzhou: Two Bird Flu Cases Hidden Before Official Release

H7N9 bird flu virus is being spread across China.

Will the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities
conceal the truth as it did with SARS in 2003?
On April 3rd Zhejiang Provincial Health administration
confirmed two H7N9 bird flu cases in Hangzhou city.
A netizen revealed that these two infections
had been previously covered up.

In March, a widely circulated microblog post talked about
some unknown disease being spread in Hangzhou.
“A couple from Suzhou had persistent high fevers
after returning from a sightseeing tour in Hangzhou.
The husband has died in hospital,
his body could not be taken home.
The wife is still in the hospital, but in critical condition.
She is there with her poor two-year-old child.”

In response, Hangzhou local CCP accused the microblogger
of spreading rumours and detained him.

After the official release of Hangzhou’s two H7N9 infections,
someone said the authorities are the real source of rumors.

Russian Officials: Declare Assets Or Be Fired

On April 2nd Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree,
requiring Russian officials to declare their assets or be sacked.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the deadline for declaring
personal income and spending was postponed to July 1st.
The original deadline was April 1st.

The decree bans Russian officials from holding bank accounts
and assets abroad, or else they will loose their jobs.

Putin’s anti-corruption decree has sparked a heated
discussion, involving over 8 million microblog posts.
Someone said this news is like slapping the CCP leaders.
Others called on Xi Jinping to follow Putin’s action.

China’s Civilians Holds Public Mourning For June 4th Victims

On April 1st Zhengding County, Hebei province, a group held
a public memorial service for victims of 1989 June 4th Massacre.
They included participants of June 4th pro-democracy
movement and some academics.
This is the first public memorial service held by civilians
in China since 1989.

Memorial messages and a list of the victims’ names
were read out at the ceremony.
The message stated that during the June 4th Massacre,
the victims died under crazy tanks and merciless bullets.
This is a misfortune for the entire country and the nation.

Chen Wei and Yu Shiwen initiated this public mourning.

Both were the sponsors and organizers of the
1989 pro-democracy movement in Guangzhou.
After the June 4th event in 1989, they were arrested and
jailed for a year and a half each.

Chen and Yu revealed the reason why they chose
Zhengding as the venue.
This was because the place was the birthplace
of Xi Jinping entering politics.
They hoped this would remind Xi not to forget
the wound left on the Chinese nation in history.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) didn’t stop the
ceremony at the scene.
However Yu Shiwen was detained and questioned by
the police, but released 24 hours later.
