【禁聞】「按需」殺人 加拿大暢銷書揭中共機密

【新唐人2012年9月12日訊】目前,越來越多人開始關注,發生在中國活摘法輪功學員器官的血腥暴行,一本《國家器官:移植在中國被濫用》(State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China)新書,今年7月發行後,在加拿大溫尼伯市(Winnipeg)已經躋身8、9月最暢銷書排行榜的前列。中共在1999年開始對法輪功實施鎮壓。作者說,中共的鎮壓,把法輪功學員的身體變成了潛在的,用作移植手術的器官來源,而這種按需要殺人的暴行,在21世紀的今天,不能被接受。

《國家器官-移植在中國被濫用》這本新書在今年7月正式面市,作者共有12名,來自4大洲,其中5人是醫生,1人是醫藥倫理學家。其中,大衛.麥塔斯(David Matas)是加拿大著名的人權律師。









美國醫學博士李祥春表示,中共有史以來,殺人都有一個特色,那就是「按需殺人」。比如 ,當年鎮壓反革命,搞土改、文化大革命,都是按需要來殺人,規定一個殺人的比例,給老百姓製造恐懼的這麼一個作用。


《國家器官》其中一位編輯崔雷(Torsten Trey)醫生,是「醫生反對強摘器官協會」(DAFOH) 的執行總監。他說,中共的鎮壓,把法輪功學員的身體變成了潛在的器官來源,就是「把人體變成了生物質」,用作移植手術的器官來源。而執行器官摘取的國家機構,包括警察、法院、政府官員、軍隊、醫院及涉足這項犯罪行為的醫生,而中國共產黨是這起罪惡中的主要因素。



採訪編輯/常春 後製/薛莉

Murder ‘On-demand’—Global Organ Harvesting Concerns

Recently more and more people are starting to pay attention
to the bloodiest atrocity in China—organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
A new book, “State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China”
was published in July this year and
has been listed in the top rankings of the best-selling books
(August/September) in Winnipeg, Canada.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the repression
of Falun Gong in 1999.
The authors say the CCP treats Falun Gong practitioners’
bodies as a potential organ source for transplants.
This kind of murder ‘On-demand’ cannot be accepted
especially in the 21 century.

The book, “State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China” was
published in July this year—with a total of 12 authors.
The authors span from 4 different continents;
5 are doctors and one is a medical ethicist.
Among them is David Matas,
a famous human rights lawyer in Canada.
The book exposes the situation of the CCP making profit
by harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
As a paperback non-fiction, “State Organs” joined the one-
week bestseller list on August 26;
taking the 3rd place the following week on September 2,
in Winnipeg, Canada.

NTDTV interviewed Zhang Yeling, an associate professor at
the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada.
Yeling says, more and more local people are starting to pay
attention to the organ harvesting atrocities from living Falun Gong practitioners in China.

[Zhang Yeling]: “Local people in Winnipeg
are very interested David’s book.
On the book signing evening, the entire bookstore was full of
people in the signing area, with some even standing outside.
Many people joined the event and all the people in Winnipeg
know of the organ harvesting atrocities.”
Zhang Yeling also says, the citizens of Winnipeg feel shocked;
why do such atrocities happen in an “imposing country”?
People want to know the feelings and opinions of Chinese
people on this issue.

“In fact, Canadians aren’t aware that
comments are subject to control in China; people do not have the right to know.
Therefore, Chinese all want to know the current situation on
organ harvesting and they want to pay attention to it.”

CCP officials claim that, the main source of organ transplant
operations is from prisoners facing the death penalty.

However, Mr. Matas says in State Organs,
many death row inmates in China carry hepatitis B,
so organs from these people are not suitable
for transplantations—besides, they are executed soon after receiving their sentence.
According to China’s transplant operation requirements,
organ providers must wait when patients need organs,
so many death row inmates are inappropriate.

Moreover, annual organ transplant numbers reach over
10,000 cases in China.
According to Amnesty International’s 2008 data, the number
of China’s transplant operations is 50 times higher than the total number of death row inmates.

Li Xiangchun, U.S. MD stated that murder ‘on-demand’
can be seen as a feature of the CCP’s history of killing.
For example, at the time of the suppression of counter-
revolutionaries, Land Reform, and the Cultural Revolution,
many murders happened ‘on-demand’; the CCP set a ratio
for killing to create fear in people.

“So for the CCP, killing someone is not
sanctioned by law—the CCP just kill people based on need.
In fact, what the CCP do is to create fear–they kill people
to create fear to maintain their rule—the CCP kills anyone.”

Dr. Torsten Trey is one of the editors of State Organs,
and also the executive director of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH).
He says, the CCP treat the bodies of Falun Gong practitioners
as a potential organ source for transplant operations;
treating the human body as a biomass.

There are many national institutions joining in the organ
harvesting, including police, courts, government officials,
the military, hospitals and related doctors involved—
Of course, the CCP is the main reason for the crime.
“The CCP kills people just like
they’re animals, they do not treat people as human beings;
the evil characteristics of the evil party are here.

The CCP treats everyone as a revolutionary object—the same
goes with CCP members—the CCP also kills party members.
The CCP’s ultimate purpose is to destroy mankind,
as the CCP is the biggest evil in history.”
Dr. Trey says, murder ‘on-demand’ and organ harvesting
cannot be accepted in the 21 century.
Just imagine, he says, if the CCP can do such things to
Chinese, how will they treat people in the rest of the world?
