【禁闻】六四纪念馆试展 民运人士入境被拒

【新唐人2014年04月21日讯】六四纪念馆试展 民运人士入境被拒



网友祝福高智晟 再揭中共迫害




天安门前打横幅 河南四访民被批捕







Democrats Denied Entry To June 4 Memorial Exhibition Test

On April 20, the world’s first June 4 Memorial exhibition test
was held in Hong Kong.
Exiled democracy activist Yang Jianli was invited to the
exhibition, but denied entry to Hong Kong.
Yang Jianli said this decision is obviously from Beijing.

The President of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic
Democratic Movements in China, Lee Cheuk-yan said the
Chinese Communist Party suppression of activities for 25th
anniversary of June 4 has spread to Hong Kong.
Yan criticized the Hong Kong Government making Hong
Kong lose autonomy and freedom.

Netizens’ greetings to Gao Zhisheng Expose
the Regime’s Persecution Again

April 20 is mainland human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng’s
50th birthday.
There are a lot of greetings to him on the Internet.

The birthday card to Gao Zhisheng from U.S. Congressman
Smith was forwarded on the Internet.

Along with Gao Zhisheng’s life story of in the documentary
“Beyond Fear” and Gao Zhisheng’s article on his kidnapping
experience, other documents are spread on the Internet again.

Gao Zhisheng is currently held in Xinjiang Aksu desert prison
for more than 15 months with no news.

Four Henan Petitioners Arrested at Tiananmen Square For
Holding a Banner

Four Henan petitioners were detained during the Two sessions
at Tiananmen Square for having banners and distributing
leaflets this year.

Their arrest was approved by Beijing Dongcheng District
Procuratorate this year.

According to Human Rights Defenders, mainland human
rights lawyers are involved in the case.

Yue Yuan Shoe Factory Strike Spreads to Jiangxi

Dongguan Yue Yuan Shoe Factory strike continues and is
spreading to the other province.

According to RFI, over two thousand people in Anfu City Yue
Yuan Shoe Factory joined the strike.
There were also rumors that Yue Yuan Shoe Factory in
Guangdong, Zhongshan, Zhuhai and other places may strike.
The workers of the Dongguan factory threatened to strike
until May 1.

