













Safety of Gao Zhisheng drew worldwide attention

After three days of travel covering 3,000+ kilometers,
Gao Zhisheng’s brother, father in law and two others arrived in Shaya prison of Aksu, Xinjiang,
but the prison staff refused to let them see Gao.

Gao’s safety has attracted great attention
from foreign media and online netizens;
some urged on their micro-blogs to concentrate on Shaya,
urged the prison to show evidence that Gao is in the prison.

Gao Zisheng’s family traveled thousands of kilometers
only to be refused visitation by the prison.
This attracted attention from many foreign media including

The Washington Post, Guardian, BBC Chinese network,
Voice of America, Deutsche Welle and others.

Shaya prison gave two reasons:
1) Gao doesn’t want to see family.
2) Gao is currently in a three months “new inmate education
period," he can only see family if he does well during this period.
Many netizens criticized these excuses as “ridiculous" and
“very suspicious."

On the micro-blog, “Safety of Gao Ziheng” again became
a discussion topic.
A netizen wrote on 10th Jan, “Urge the whole world
to concentrate on Shaya, have the prison provide evidence that Gao is there.
The prison must let family speak to Gao, and
have him say ‘don’t want to see you’ personally.
This is the only way to stop people worrying."

Voice of America Chinese host Zhan Min wrote, “Lawyer Gao
has been missing for twenty months,
still without a trace,
the world must watch China’s actions."

A Japanese netizen translated Gao’s address into Japanese,

and urged everyone to send him greeting cards for the
Chinese New Year and his birthday (20th April).

Gao’s attorney Mo Shaoping expressed,
“new inmate education” is not an official regulation, and
there are no regulations prohibiting visitation. Also, the saying
that he doesn’t want to see family is not justified.

Lawyer Mo Shaoping, “Do you have Gao’s hand written letter?
or let him say something on the phone, let him validate,
because his family is currently suspicious of what the
government or prison says. You (prison) say
‘Don’t want to meet,’ then is it that Gao doesn’t want to meet?
Or he is forced to say ‘I don’t want to meet?’
How do you validate that with what you are saying is true?”

Gao Zhisheng’s brother Gao Zhiyi hurt his foot while rushing
to see his brother. He arrived in Xinjiang on a walking stick,
and brought a case of dates (fruit) for Gao Zhisheng.

He said he tried to speak with the prison many times,
trying to persuade the prison staff to let them meet out of human conscience, but was still denied.

Gao Zhiyi, “We asked so many times, but they don’t budge,
what can I do?"

Gao’s wife Geng He expressed, Shaya prison’s action makes
her doubt whether Gao Zisheng is still alive.

Geng He: “As the CCP can not explain what’s going on,
they have to find excuses.
Our family wants to see Gao, dead or alive!

You (Chinese regime) told us this news, so we will pursue
this to the end!"

Currently, Gao Zhiyi has decided to stay in Shaya by himself
and continue to communicate with the prison.
Geng He wrote on her micro-blog, that her brother-in-law
is planning on spending the Chinese New Year in Shaya, and asking for help from everyone.

NTD reporters Li Yun, Shang Yan and Huang Rong.
