






至於《法制週報》提到的真相幣,英國《金融時報》駐北京記者安德裡尼(Jamil Anderlini),早在2011年8月就曾發表博文說,從99年7月開始,中共鎮壓法輪功,對法輪功進行虛假宣傳,惡意栽贓。很多中國人並不了解為甚麼中共要鎮壓法輪功,以及法輪功的真實情況。因此,法輪功學員為了讓中國人了解事實真相,運用了各種形式,在人民幣紙幣上寫真相短句就是其中一種方式。








採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/周天

China’s Official Media Suddenly Reports on Falun Gong

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece recently
reported the illegal arrest of a car conductor, detained for
talking about Falun Gong to drivers—the case has attracted
much outside attention.
Analysts say the publicity department, which is under
the control of Jiang faction, is trying to make trouble
for Xi Jinping by reporting a Falun Gong case
under his proposal of “Rule by Law".

On Nov.8, mainland China’s Legal Weekly reported that
a Falun Gong practitioner with the name “Deng" was arrested
for spreading the truth about the practice on the bus.

The report says that Deng, a car conductor, had repeatedly
distributed truth-clarification discs on Falun Gong
to passengers, since July this year.

On Jul. 17, he was arrested when distributing CD’s titled
“Telling of the Future" and other publications including
“The Mayan prophecy’s Correct Enlightenment".

Police searched and confiscated 94 discs, over 1,300 coins,
18,000 yuan in cash, over 200 Falun Gong books, and flyers
clarifying the truth about Falun Gong, from Deng’s home.

On Oct. 28, the Hengdong People’s procuratorate in Hunan
had received Deng’s case, and approved his arrest on Nov. 5.

While the CD “Telling of the Future" is used as “evidence"
to convict Falun Gong practitioners, police have never made
its content public to justify the arrests.

Telling of the Future is actually a nine-episode
TV documentary produced by NTDTV, which objectively
recreates the story of Falun Gong over a decade, since 1992.

The British Financial Times’ Beijing reporter Jamil Anderlini
had reported on the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP,
as early as in August 2011, exposing the false propaganda
and the malicious framing of the practice since July 1999.
However many Chinese do not know the truth about
Falun Gong or why the CCP are suppressing it.
Falun Gong practitioners are trying to help Chinese people
to know the truth in various ways, including by writing short
truth-clarification messages on money notes.
Many are questioning the basis of the arrests of Falun Gong
and which law was violated to warrant the detention.

Tang Jitian, Civil rights lawyer: “There is no legal basis
to convict practitioners even with ‘evidence’, like books;
these are only issues of civil rights not of criminals.”

“The conviction and actual implementation from the police,
prosecutors, courts, the 610 office, etc. are all illegal."

Commentator Xing Tianxing believes Xi Jinping does not
want to inherit Jiang Zemin’s Falun Gong persecution policy.
The Legal Daily’s publication tries to deliberately embarrass
Xi Jinping on his recently proposed Rule by Law.

Xing Tianxing: “Jiang’s faction constantly raised some noise
and trouble to give outsiders the impression that Xi Jinping
continues to suppress Falun Gong."

“The suppression of Falun Gong, pro-democracy movements
and petitions are, more intensive since Xi Jinping took office."

According to Xing Tianxing’s analysis, Xi Jinping wants to
show the international community his wish to improve rights
and democracy; but the Jiang faction won’t give in easily.

Xing Tianxing: “Jiang’s faction representative, Liu Yunshan
is still in charge of the propaganda system, although Jiang’s
faction is getting weaker, the original 610 office behind
the persecution and its policy still exist, even though
Zhou Yongkang has left the judicial system; so there is still
room for Jiang’s faction to continue persecuting Falun Gong."

Since Jul.1999, when the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong
with false propaganda and malicious framing, Falun Gong
has become a core issue in China’s political situation,
and a topic of major divide in the CCP’s highest echelon
due to the Jiang faction’s genocidal style of persecution.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/ZhouTian
