【禁闻】《央视》忙碌碌 黑完星巴克又打“三星”




香港某证券公司研究部高级分析员郭先生:“三星在大陆的market share(市场占有)是最大的,它也不愿意去得罪这些大的中国市场的客户。所以它也是去comfort(安抚)这些大陆的客户。希望在它的brand image(品牌形象) 方面可以做的比较好一点。”





根据PDC中国时尚科技调研数据中心发布的一份报告,今年5月热门手机排名中,“三星”一枝独秀,继续领跑中国智能手机市场,“三星”的Galaxy S4短期内夺冠。



谢田:“ 实际上现在没有明确的数据表明,现在出问题的手机究竟是原装产品,还是仿冒产品。 很遗憾的是,我们从中央电视台的报导中看不到这些信息。”



谢田:“它显然是拿三星和苹果来开刀,因为三星是第一号的。 中共现在有点恼羞成怒,西方外国品牌开始撤出中国,(中共)就有点破罐破摔。”




采访/易如 编辑/王子琦 后制/李勇

China State-Run TV Attacks Samsung After Starbucks

Over this past year, the Chinese regime and its media have
criticized several foreign companies for alleged faulty products,
bribery and excessively high pricing, etc.

South Korean electronics company Samsung
is big in China’s mobile phone market.
Recently it becomes a target of the CCP.

Samsung quickly issued an apology letter
and announced some measures.

Samsung apologized!

After China Central TV (CCTV) repeatedly criticized
problems with Samsung handsets.
On Oct. 23, Samsung apologized to Chinese consumers
through one of CCTV’s economic shows.
Samsung also issued a statement on its Chinese website;
saying that they would offer free repairs or refund customers
who already paid for repairs for one of the 7 models mentioned
in CCTV’s report that were found to have problems.
In addition, the warranties on malfunctioning handsets made
before Nov. 30, 2012, will be extended by a year

Mr. Guo, Hong Kong stock market senior analyst:
“Samsung’s largest market share is in China.
It doesn’t want to offend its Chinese customers.

Thus, they want to comfort these consumers,
trying to improve their brand image.”

Prior to this, Samsung has been repeatedly
criticized by CCTV.
It said that a software glitch caused the Samsung Note
and S series handsets to frequently crash.
CCTV claimed Chinese consumers have been given a lower
standard of service compared to international market.
Shortly after, Samsung became a public focus.

Anqu.com posted comments on it’s official Weibo, saying,
“Not sure how Samsung offended CCTV.
They even dug up problems from last year.”

Netizen “stanley369” says, “The CCTV is very busy lately.

It just finished criticizing Starbucks,
and now turns to Samsung.
I remember they repeatedly criticized Apple not long ago.”

Xie Tian, Professor at the Aiken Business School,
University of South Carolina,
says the CCTV suddenly magnified a tiny livelihood issue.

He says it likely has ulterior political motives,
and there are many issues are worthy of suspicion and scrutiny.

A China consumer research center reported that in May,
Samsung handsets ranked as the top smartphone in China,
Galaxy 4 was ranked as the best for a short period of time.

Xie Tian: “If the Chinese consumers have so much
confidences in this brand, and many handsets were sold,
its performance ratio must be very high.

If there is a problem, it would have come up earlier.

Samsung smartphones are not new products in China,
why didn’t we see the problem occur before?”

In addition, Xie says that some reports show that many
counterfeits of successful foreign brands are made in China.

Xie Tian: “Actually, it’s not clear whether the
malfunctioning handsets were genuine or counterfeit products.
Unfortunately, we can’t tell from the CCTV report.”

The fourth issue of Shanghai Quality magazine analyzed that
45.6% of smartphones encountered crash problems.
Many suppliers have said that it is not surprising.
As smartphones, like all computers, sometimes crash.

Observers questioned that smartphones
have high rate of crashes,
why did CCTV only single out the foreign companies
such as Samsung and Apple?
None of the domestic products have problems?
Are they being bribed?

Xie Tian: “They obviously attacked Samsung and Apple first,
because Samsung handsets were ranked as the best.
The CCP became angry, as many foreign companies
have begun leaving China,
the CCP doesn’t want to change its domestic problems.”

In March, CCTV criticized Apple for using different warranty
and customer service policies in China than overseas.
Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook openly
apologized in a statement.
He said he would improve customer service in China.

This week, CCTV also criticized Starbucks for
charging higher prices in China.
However, CCTV’s actions aroused many ironies
and criticism by the public.

Some netizens mocked: “All products that the CCTV attacked
having a good quality.
The main reason they’re being criticized is that the foreign
companies ‘ bribe CCTV!”
