【禁闻】习近平火烧军委 情急无奈













采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元

Xi Jinping’s Fire Extended To The Military In Frustration

After the six half-day Politburo “rectification” meeting
held at the end of last month,
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader
Xi Jinping extended his fire to the military.
On July 7 and July 8, Xi Jinping sent a strong warning
by raising the five-point requirements at the
Central Military Commission (CMC) Thematic Meeting,

Some critics think Xi Jinping’s recent practice, although trying
to extend the CCP’s regime, will not save the CCP.

Xi Jingping formally ordered the entire army to carry out
the so-called “Implement Mass Line Education Practice”.
In the meeting report published soon after, Xi raised
five strictly written requirements, especially the first one:
“Do whatever the party asks and do not do
what the party forbids.
Take the lead to maintain the authority of the Central
Government and the CMC without any ambiguity.
Ensure the gun is always controlled by those
who are loyal to the party.”
Xi Jinping’s warning smells like extremely strong gunpowder.

Commentator Lan Shu points out that Xi Jinping realized

the CCP is at a critical moment of life and death
so urgently needs an obedient army to help it.
Currently the army is extremely corrupt as Xi Jinping
has not established his absolute power in the army.
There are various powers so Xi Jinping has to say this
to warn these factions.

Lan Shu: “Once the society is not stable, the fractions
among the military will fight and may evolve into a coup.
Regardless of which interest groups are engaged in a coup,
the first step is to get the military.
Xi Jinping has already felt the whole Chinese societies
disgust and contempt toward the CCP.
If the military does not follow him 100%, then a military coup
is possible with such sharp line between the party and people.”

published a series of new rules against military malpractices.
These are: “Ten Rules to Strengthen CMC Self-Disciplines”
which forbids drinking, selling and asking for positions, etc.
“The Regulations to Strictly Follow Tight Funds Management”
requires all military vehicles get new license plates, and
investigate real-estate inventory within the military.

However, these regulations did not yield many results.

Dozens or even over a hundred generals openly
disobeyed his order to change license plates.
The CCP central government only gave them some warning.

Lan Shu thinks Xi Jinping is setting up his authority by
eliminating any who disobey him through rectification and
anti-corruption movements.
Lan Shu: “The entire environment of the military is corrupt.

In this situation, Xi Jinping can only grant benefits to
high officials in exchange for their loyalty.
It is absolutely impossible to stop corruption
so he had to say some hard words.
To stop corruption is to take away benefits from them.
How will they take that!”

Columnist Xia Xiaoqiang thinks Xi Jinping’s reforms have
impacted the CCP interest groups, especially Jiang Zemin’s one.
Facing resistance from the Jiang’s fraction,
Xi has let out the signal of cleansing the party.
Xia Xiaoqiang said the real purpose of anti-corruption is to
cleanse Jiang Zemin and Bo Xilai’s power from the military
and prepare for the attack of “Big Tigers”
Zhou Yongkang and Jiang Zemin.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “The CCP military has serious corruption
issues. It was mainly formed during the Jiang Zemin time.
Jiang had no authority in the military to start with.
He allowed corruption in exchange for support.
Since 1994 to 2004, Jiang granted 79 admirals and
hundreds of major generals and Lieutenant generals.

Xia Xiaoqiang also points out that the CCP has to rely on
interests and benefit to maintain its system.
Any kind of anti-corruption cannot solve the CCP’s crisis. It can
only strengthen the individual’s authority in the short run.

Xia Xiaoqiang said that compared with democratic countries,

the Chinese military have not only become the CCP’s tool
to maintain the regime and suppress people,
it is also crucial among the CCP leaders.

Without controlling the military, any power faction
within the CCP will lose its future.
