【禁闻】7.5前 北京高压维稳 新疆局势紧绷





近期,新疆连续发生严重抗议和冲突事件。官方宣称,6月26号吐鲁番鄯善县事件,造成至少35人死亡,21人受伤。 6月28号,和田也发生冲突,中共媒体宣称是群体持械聚集事件,没有伤亡。












采访/易如 编辑/李谦 后制/黎安安

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Several Xinjiang Areas Enter Combat Readiness

As the 4th anniversary of the Urumqi July 5 Incident nears,
deadly clashes have erupted in Xinjiang.
A large number of soldiers and police have been
sent to the region to “maintain stability".
The troops in several local areas have entered
combat readiness.
The Chinese Communist Party;s (CCP) crack-down stance
and its seriously opaque media reporting on the incident has given rise to the world;s concern.

On June 29, about 10,000 armed police arrived
at Urumqi, in the name of holding a large-scale drill.
Meanwhile, in Ili, Kashi, Hotan and Aksu, the CCP authorities
organized troops and police to hold oath-taking rallies for “stability maintenance".

On July 2, Xinjiang police administration issued notices,
requiring that local residents hand in their personal knives, and “propaganda materials related to terrorism & violence".
All violators were warned that they will
face severe punishment.
The police authorities have put up rewards of
50,000-100,000 yuan for whistleblowers.

Hong Kong’s Human Rights & Democracy Information
said that the situation in Hetian is tense.
The city has seen an urgent and massive mobilization of
military and police vehicles.
Local state departments’internet access
has been cut off.
The SMS messages function of local civil servants’
cell phones has been blocked.
Compared to the Urumqi July 5 Incident in 2009,
tougher preventive measures have been used in Hetian.

Recently, mass protests and fatal clashes have been
incessant in Xinjiang.
In Shanshan County, the latest incident occurred
on June 26.
It caused at least 35 deaths and 21 injured,
according to the official media.
In Hetian Prefecture, a fresh clash erupted on June 28.

Official media have branded it an incident
of “troublemakers" gatherings, without casualties.

Radio Free Asia reported that the Hetian clashes were
provoked by the shut-down of local mosques.
Several hundreds of local Uyghurs staged a demonstration,
during which the police opened fire.
The repression has killed over a dozen protestors,
wounded dozens, about 100 people were arrested.

The CCP authorities have described this clash as
a “serious case of violent terrorism".
It has claimed that"counter-terrorism" in Xinjiang
is a “life-or-death political battle".

(Critic) Lin Zixu: “The situation in Xinjiang
is getting tense.
CCP official media have blamed “terrorists" or
“hostile overseas forces"for these clashes.
Meanwhile, it uses the media to portray itself as heroic,
calming unrest , and creating local stability.
In fact, the CCP is the root cause of the unstable situation
in today’s Xinjiang."

Lin Zixu blames two factors for the
chaotic situation in Xinjiang.
The CCP’s high-handed policy towards the region and,
its destruction of local ethnic culture and beliefs.

Lin Zixu: “Many people have considered the Xinjiang
incidents as purely ethnic issues, this is an illusion created by CCP propaganda.
Many social problems seem to exist in China,
but behind them all is only one issue.

That is, a conflict between the CCP power structure
and Chinese people of a variety of ethnic groups."

Xia Ming, professor at the City University of New York
The CCP has justified such clashes as being the conflict
between Han Chinese and ethnic minorities.
This helps to dilute reality and distract from the truth of
the regime’s violent repression of ethnic groups.

Xia Ming:"China’s government has never used
a religious conflict to explain its conflict with local Xinjiang residents.
It has always defamed local religious and faith groups
with terms such as separatism, terrorism, or cults."

On June 29, the CCP propaganda department openly banned
China’s media from carrying out their own reporting on the recent Hetian incident.
All media were required to use
the official news scripts covering the incident.

Commentator, Ren Baiming: “The CCP is afraid of arousing
a wider public resonance and truth exposure in China and overseas.
Because this will evoke more criticism
from righteous people."

Last week, the U.S. State Department urged the CCP
to change its counterproductive Xinjiang policies.
As well as to conduct thorough and transparent
investigations into the incidents occurring.
EU ambassador to Beijing has also called on the CCP
to increase its transparency in news reporting from the region, and to address the root causes of the conflict.

On July 5, 2009, violent clashes broke out in Urumqi,
between local Uyghurs and Han Chinese.
Official media alleged that the violence has
claimed nearly 200 lives, and over 1,700 have been injured.
Since then, on the eve of every July 5, the CCP
has reinforced its response to the local situation.
And this year, the region is under particular heavy guard.
