【禁闻】12万亿地方政府债务 如何偿还?




美国南卡罗莱纳大学艾肯商学院教授谢田: “这些东西跟它的腐败,跟它的一些滥权都是连在一起的,它也没办法真正去遏制,如果真正遏制的话,下面说,那我都不建了,我们GDP一下倒退,上面可能也受不了,现在处于一种利益集团上下互相勾结,也互相箝制,互相对立、对峙这么一个状态。”










采访/林莉 编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

12-Trillion-Yuan Local Debts: Chinaj’s Economy Out Of Control

China’s National Audit Office (NAO) data shows that 36 local
governments’ debts have reached over 3.85 trillion yuan.
Leading US credit rating agency, Moody’s, warns that
by the end of 2012,
China’s local government debts might have
increased to 12.1 trillion yuan.
However, local Chinese Communist Party authorities
are still boosting large-scale construction projects locally.
It is known that land sales have been
a major part of local fiscal revenues.
As land-sale opportunities shrink, how will these
increasing debts be paid off in the future?
Why have bank loans continued with these local projects?

Is it possible that the CCP central authorities will allow
local authorities to go bankrupt?
What’s the economic aftermath facing China in
the near future? Let’s see what experts are saying.

Moody’s recently said that based on the NAO report data,
from the end of 2010 to the end of 2012,
China’s local government debts may have risen
by 13%, up to 12.1 trillion yuan.

The Wall Street Journal reported that large-scale
investment projects are still locally promoted.
So far, 16 provincial-level authorities have declared
“the importance of investment projects in driving growth".
They have urged “lower levels of government to
accelerate implementation of plans in the months ahead."
Reportedly, these provinces and municipalities represent
over 60% of China’s GDP.

(Prof. Univ. of South Carolina-Aiken) Xie Tian:
“These debts are linked to CCP officialdom’s corruption and power abuse.
The CCP has no way to truly curb it.

If it really intends to prevent it, all its local authorities would
react by ceasing activity that allows corruption to continue.
The result would be big setback in GDP,
That is something that CCP central could not bear.
Currently, inside the CCP, there exist collusion, and
stand – offs between top-level and local interest groups."

By the end of 2012, among the debt balances of
the 36 local authorities, bank loans were over 78%,
and bond issuance was over 12%.

Xie Tian: “China has no independent judiciary, nor
has it any independent banks, only its own central bank.
Local CCP leaders have authority to control local banks,
so they rely on bank loans.
The banks won’t reject local governments, for they have
no other sources for earning more profits."

Xie Tian points out that a great many bank loans
were invested in real estate in the past.
To stop bank loans to local governments would
be to risk previous investment for naught.

In replying to a reporter, a Public Finance Audit chief has
said that the audit goal is to “find out how
local governments’ debts have increased.”
Also, the audit serves to “reveal the new situation, new
problems, and potential risks in terms of debt management."

So far, China’s financial system has been seriously
affected by unfinished construction projects,
and redundant constructions.
Xie Tia says that local government bankruptcy may
help to improve China’s economy.
However, CCP authorities won’t allow this to
happen in practice, says Xie.

Xie Tian: “In order to keep its political rule, the CCP
won’t allow its local authorities and banks to go bankrupt.
It has no other options but to allocate more funds,
and to print more money.
The CCP knows well that printing more money
will make inflation run out of control.
It also knows that seething public discontent will
cause the CCP’s collapse, but it’ll happen later on anyway.
The CCP’s most important issue is how to get through
despite difficulties at the moment."

Gong Shengli, a think-tank senior researcher in Beijing,

believes that a massive invisible economy and rising
local debts in China remain unexposed.

Gong Shengli: “The released figure is questionable.
In China, the CCP overrides the government.
The CCP’s financial budget has never been made public.
We don’t know how much this is part of invisible debts.
The NAO has no authority yet to
audit the Party’s organizations.
With the exposures of the corruption of Party chiefs
and mayors, will those local debts still remain controllable?
So I’d like to remind the media that paying attention to
these facts makes more sense than accepting official figures."

Xie Tian says that the CCP central authority has realized
the existence of a huge burden of local debts.
Thus it has tried to tighten the money supply.

Whilst local authorities only consider their own performance,
which is proved by the state of local economies.
Also, local leaders and officials only focus on their own
personal gains, pocketed from new investment projects.
Xie Tian concludes that the CCP central authorities
have lost control of China’s economy.
