【禁闻】法轮功上诉成功 阿根廷重审诉江案

【新唐人2013年05月11日讯】法轮功上诉成功 阿根廷重审诉江案


镇压法轮功的元凶江泽民、罗干,2005年在阿根廷被起诉,2009年12月,阿根廷法官奥达卫‧阿绕思‧拉马德里( Octavio Araoz de Lamadrid ),裁定江、罗“群体灭绝罪”、及“反人类罪”罪名成立,并发出国际逮捕令,要求国际刑警组织对出访的被告江泽民、罗干予以逮捕,并引渡到阿根廷受审。









高校“七不讲”曝光 舆论哗然




Falun Gong Wins Appeal; Argentine Court
Resumes Lawsuit Of Jiang Zemin

On April 14th, Argentine Criminal High Court made a decision.

They decided to allow the Federal Criminal Court to resume
the trial of former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader
Jiang Zemin and former security chief Luo Gan.
Both committed crimes of genocide and crimes
against humanity on Falun Gong practitioners.

Jiang and Luo launched suppression on Falun Gong.
In 2005, the two were sued in Argentina.
In December 2009, Argentine Federal Judge Octavio Araoz
de Lamadrid issued international arrest warrants for Jiang and
Luo “over crimes of genocide and against humanity”.
Judge Lamadrid ordered local Interpol to carry out
the arrest when Jiang and Luo visited abroad.
It was planned to extradite the two to Argentine for trial.

The arrest warrants made the CCP panic.

They put pressure on Argentine courts and
other countries via Argentine Embassy in China.
Then Madrid judge was forcibly made to resign.

A new judge immediately cancelled
the arrest warrants on the first day of his post.

The Argentine Falun Dafa Association has appealed twice.

They stated that the case was changed
because of the CCP’s political pressure.
Many years have passed; finally, they won the appeal.

President of Argentine Falun Dafa Association said that they
expected the court to resume the arrest warrants pretty quickly.

Never Commit Suicide Declaration Circulated Online In China

Recently, netizens in the Mainland China widely
circulated a “Never Commit Suicide Declaration”.
Some celebrities such as Li Kaifu also joined the event.

“Never Commit Suicide Declaration” is in response to the police
view that Anhui girl Yuan Liya’s strange death was “suicide”.

BBC website Chinese edition reported that netizens used this
to say if they suddenly die, the CCP may say it is “suicide”.

Some netizens posted on microblog: “I will never
commit suicide. If I die, it is ‘enforced suicide’.
Please look after my body, as I have donated it
to avoid being trafficked to body factories.

Chinese Professors Given “Seven Don’t Speak” Gag Order

On May 10th, professors in several colleges in China
confirmed that they were given “Seven Don’t Speaks” order.
It includes any discussion of “universal values, press freedom,

civil society, civil rights, the Communist Party’s (CCP)
historical errors, crony elites, and judicial independence.”

The gag order stirred up the academic field. Professors
condemned that this pulling of history backward.
