【禁闻】遍及世界的中国 “无声军队”

【新唐人2013年02月02日讯】中国货已经充斥了全球市场,中国的另一项出口也正在引起世界关注。两位西班牙记者卡德诺(Juan Pablo Cardenal)和阿罗鸠 (Heriberto Araújo) 在他们的新书中,将遍布世界各地中国的拓荒者、贸易者、以及牵线塔桥者和体力劳动者,称之为“中国的无声军队” 《China’s Silent Army》,作者认为,他们正在按北京的形象重塑世界。下面请看报导。













采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/周天

“China’s Silent Army” Flooded The World

Products made in China filled the global market. Another
export from China is drawing the world’s attention.
Two Spanish journalists Juan Pablo Cardenal and Heriberto
Araujo wrote about Chinese people in their new books.
In the new book, they called these pioneers, traders,
fixers and laborers “China’s Silent Army”.
The authors believe that these Chinese people
are reshaping the world. Let’s take a look.

Spanish journalists Cardenal and Araujo spent two years,
traveling several thousand miles and visited 25 countries.
They interviewed and investigated Chinese immigrants and
Chinese companies in total more than 500 peoples.
Using firsthand information they unveiled the secret of
“China’s Silent Army”.

Araujo spent six years in China. He told the BBC that Chinese
people are very brave, willing to risk, work hard and achieving,
especially those who went to Africa. They faced the impact of
racial discrimination and anti-foreigners, even risking their lives.

Xie Tian, professor at the Aiken School of Business at the
University of South Carolina believes that
these people can bring China’s traditional morality of
hard working, honesty and bravery into the world.
They should be separated from laborers who
are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
or sent by state-owned companies.
Those people may have a bad impact.

Xie Tian: “Many Chinese people went abroad independently,
they set up their own businesses, exploring new areas.
They plant vegetables, farm and work well with Africans.

They actually represented Chinese peoples’ spirit of
working hard which is similar to Western Americans.
The CCP culture and shadow may still exist on them,
but their behaviors are free from CCP’s control.”

Author Araujo explained the reason why they called
Chinese migrants the “Silent Army”.
It is because China’s rising and expanding profile doesn’t
depend on military forces, but on economy.

Lan Shu, Current Affairs Commentator said
these independent Chinese people moved or
worked abroad due to unequal opportunity in China
so they have to leave their homeland venturing abroad.
After a long time staying abroad,
they can recognize the CCP’s illegal behaviors.
What they have seen and heard can change China to
a good direction. They are good for China and the world.

China’s products flooded the world markets and
brought more problems to the world.
Araujo told the BBC that China state-owned companies
and banks transferred their bad impact on the Chinese environment and society abroad.
Such as steel company, Shougang Group,
it has a bad reputation of polluting the air.

Lan Shu: “All major merchandises are involved, such as state
-owned China National Petroleum Co., China Petrochemical Co.,
and China Minmetals Co. and other companies. When they
invested abroad, they brought their behaviors abroad with them.
These officials went overseas, they established factories, handled
wages issues, they dealt with residents and local councils issues.
Their behaviors are completely CCP culture.”

Lan Shu said that large companies and state-owned companies
set up by the CCP actually are overseas CCP branches.
They brought a totalitarian and autocratic culture into the world,
they also brought many injustice values to the world.
Lan Shu said that those people should be called “Silent Army”.

The Wall Street Journal, Reuters and many media revealed
Huawei, a China Telecommunications equipment producer
assisted Iran to launch a censor system to suppress
dissidents and activists.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s 2012 report
said China supplied cheap weapons to South Africa conflict area.
In May 2012, many China made weapon
were found in Sudan conflict regions.
During Libya’s uprising in 2011,
many China made arms can be seen.

This evidence is opposite to the CCP’s so-called peaceful
rising, so-called China’s economy and military development.
It will only benefit the world if it
doesn’t pose a threat to other countries.

Araujo said that to make China change, they must have a
supervision system to restrain the power.
They must ease the control of media, and strengthen
the law system to develop a civil society.
By doing so, Chinese companies will pay attention to
their behavior at home and abroad.
