【禁闻】穆巴拉克被“笼审” 独裁者心寒



山东民主人士牟传珩认为, 在执掌阿拉伯世界第一人口大国的埃及30年后,穆巴拉克最终沦为笼中被告,接受本国人民的审判,这是对其他独裁者再次敲响的一次警钟。

山东民主人士牟传珩:“我个人觉得这是中东第一次在国内公开审判暴力维护者的结局,对其他国家都有一个示范的效应。 这一个示范效应是全世界的,不仅仅是中东当然也包括中国,对老百姓暴力维护特权,或者通过暴力镇压民众热情的请愿都是一个很好的警钟。”

穆巴拉克受审被埃及媒体称作走向民主法治道路的里程碑。整个庭审过程由埃及国家电视台全程直播, 穆巴拉克身着白色囚服、躺在担架上的照片遍布埃及各报头版。埃及官方派出将近3,000位军警戒备,防止冲突暴动。




前海洋日报记者昝爱宗 :“他们听不了忠告。只有民主才能保证这些独裁者有善终,如果没有民主、没有宪政、没有法制,他们的结局就会跟齐奥赛斯库啊,米洛索维奇、穆巴拉克一样的结局,他们逃不出这样的结局, 只有从善才能有所改变,要从恶他们的结局一样,没法改变。”

中共喉舌媒体《新华网》8月5号发表一篇题为““笼审”穆巴拉克震惊世界, 埃及走向何方?”的报导,回避民主和人权状况问题,指穆巴拉克下台的根本原因是经济问题,并对埃及社会的未来走向提出质疑。



穆巴拉克等人被控从国库贪污数百万美元,以及在人民起义中,造成超过850人死亡、 6000人受伤。

穆巴拉克是否会被判处死刑,成为外界讨论的焦点。 据阿联酋《海湾新闻》报导,穆巴拉克可能不会被判死刑,因为他躺在病床上出庭受审的形象赢得了许多同情。 有埃及网民在微博中反驳说:“假如你同情任何颓靡又站在犯人笼内的独裁者,请记忆他不公义执政的模样。”



Mubarak’s “Cage” Trial Shocks Other Dictators

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak recently appeared
in court to stand trial on charges of corruption and murder,
attracting international attention.

The public opinion believes that Mubarak’s trial both delights
those people who overthrew him, and terrifies other dictators.

Egypt’s “Last Pharaoh,” Mubarak, was brought to trial in
a metal cage on Wednesday, August 3.
This has shocked Egypt and the entire Arab world.
Mubarak is the first president to be brought to trial and
might face the death penalty
for his handling of the “Arab Spring” revolution in his country.

Mou Chuanheng, a democratic activist from Shandong

believes that Mubarak’s humiliating cage trial,
after ruling Egypt for 30 years, is a warning to other dictators.

Mou Chuanheng, Chinese democratic activist, said:
“This is the first time a tyrant is put on trial in Middle East,
which sets a precedent for other countries to follow
and not just the Middle East—but also China.
This is a warning to Chinese authorities that forcibly maintain
social stability by repressing people’s right to petition.”

Egypt’s media considers Mubarak’s trial a milestone
in fostering the country’s democratic and legal processes.
The entire trial was broadcast live on Egypt’s national TV.
Pictures of Mubarak on a stretcher, in a white prison uniform,
were plastered across the front pages of all Egyptian papers.
Egypt authorities sent out 3,000 armed police to prevent riots.

Liu Tianyi, a Beijing citizen, believes that Mubarak’s trial
proves the inevitability of democracy and freedom in history.
Dictators, who go against the people, will one day stand trial.

Liu Tianyi, a Beijing resident, said: “Mubarak’s trial
demonstrates the success of justice and democracy.
People living under a dictatorship are inspired by the event,
well, at least I am.
In those dictatorial countries, people are repressed,
human rights are restricted, and there is no freedom.
Dictators use violence to control the public and block
their access to information, thus people suffer a lot.”

Some media suggest that Mubarak’s trial might make
other dictators use even more force to maintain control,
in order not to become prisoners.

A former China Ocean News reporter, Zan Aizong, said that

“Power is like a tiger: if you don’t put it in a cage,
all the advice in the world will never change it.”

Zan Aizong, a former China Ocean News reporter said:
“Dictators never accept advice, thus,
only a democratic society can give them a good future.

Without democracy, law or constitution, the dictators will
end up like Ceauşescu, Milosovici and Mubarak.
They cannot escape the fate of being punished in the end.

Only by doing what is right, can they change their fate,
otherwise, they will not be able to escape punishment.”

The Chinese Communist Party’s official media, Xinhua News

published the article: “Mubarak’s Cage Trial Shocks the World,
Which Direction Is Egypt Heading In?” on August 5.
The article intentionally steered clear of Egypt’s democracy
and human rights issues, claiming that it was the economy
that caused Mubarak’s fall from power.
Xinhua also questioned the future of Egypt.

Some people believe that Beijing avoids the main points
and intentionally dwells on the trivial parts of a story,
in order to confuse the public and hide the Party’s fear.

Liu: From their news blockage, human rights violations,
and their repression of democratic activists and dissidents,
we can tell just how fearful the Party really is.
Mubarak’s trial is a warning to them and makes them afraid.

Mubarak and his former subordinates are accused of
taking several million dollars from the national treasury and
causing the deaths of over 850 people during the revolt,
as well as 6,000 injuries.

The question of whether Mubarak will be sentenced to death,
has grabbed the attention of the international community.
According to United Arab Emirates’ Gulf News,
Mubarak might not be sentenced to death,
because his image in a hospital bed has won some sympathy.

But an Egyptian netizen refuted on his blog,

“Before you sympathize with a decadent tyrant in a cage,
please recall some images of his injustice.”

Some observers speculate that
if Mubarak and his sons are to be sentenced to death,
it will help deter the relatives of Egypt’s future rulers
from interfering in national affairs.
Thus, the nation will remain the property of the people
instead of a few dictators.

NTD reporters Liu Hui, Jin Lin
