













China Reflects on Japan』s Disaster

After the Mar. 11 earthquake,

the Japanese government opened up the media

and started emergency mechanisms. Japanese civilians

appeared to be calm and in goodsocial order, which

amazed Chinese people and stirred a comparison

in rescue efforts by Japan and the CCP.

Anti-Japan remarks online by pro-CCP activists

prompted Chinese netizens to urge

Chinese nationals to take a regression of humanity.

This earthquake has been the strongest on record.

Sun Shihong, ex-chief earthquake predictor

of China Earthquake Networks Center, said,

this quake is equivalent to 20 like that of

Sichuan in 2008..

Facing such a strong quake, Japanese civilians

behaved extremely calmly. On the streets, there was

no sign of fear or chaos. The traffic was orderly.

Live TV broadcasts showed that many people took

refuge in public buildings like schools and gyms.

People trust the quality and safety of these buildings.

But in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, many school

buildings collapsed due to shoddy construction,

resulting in many student deaths, while most

government buildings survived the quake.

Many Chinese victims had to live outside, with no

transportation and communication or medical care.

Japanese government propagates the imminent

earthquake information via TV, radio, SMS and

internet. After the earthquake took place, the

Japanese national TV station NHK continuously

broadcasted the forecasts for tsunami, aftershocks

and casualties, and directed people to refuges.

This is in great contrast to the CCP』s holdup of

earthquake forecasts and CCTV』s focused reports

on how leaders directed the rescue efforts,

rather than victims』 plights.

After the earthquake, telephone lines were paralyzed

in many places in Japan, but the internet was still fast.

It played an important role in communications.

Many people uploaded pictures and videos

while waiting in the open air.

Zhang Ming, a professor from China』s Renmin University,

told Deutsche Welle, if any public events take place,

the CCP would block the media.

Facing such a major disaster, the Japanese

government did things orderly to minimize

the casualties.

Zhang criticized the CCP regime for not publicizing

the Sichuan earthquake forecasts, with the excuse

that natural disasters are unpredictable.

He said, poor relief efforts, inferior emergency systems,

and shoddy school building construction caused huge

casualties. Anything the CCP regime is incapable of

achieving would be covered up. He said,

Chinese people are somewhat admiring Japan.

Meanwhile, pro-CCP activists』 posted anti-Japan slogans

online, e.g., “I pray for earthquakes for the whole of

Japan”, “Let』s celebrate Japan』s giant earthquake!”

Tou Jiangming, editor-in-chief of Esquire said:

“The CCP created such people. In China, there

is no humanity and compassion due to the

barrier posed by the social system.

This is a humanitarian disaster. Restoration of humanity

is more difficult than re-construction from rubble.”

Xiao Shu, commentator of the Southern Weekend,

said: “The cheers on Sept. 11 and the earthquake

in Japan today repeatedly indicate that the first and

most difficult task is to restore humanity in China.

That must be the first step, and we go from there..

NTD reporters Wang Ziqi and Huang Rong.
