【禁聞】「充氣蛤蟆」引惡搞 外媒聚焦江綽號




同樣是浮在水面,同樣是黃色,同樣巨大,這只充氣蛤蟆,除了有「山寨」荷蘭人霍夫曼(Florentijn Hofman)創作的「黃色小鴨」之嫌,許多網民也對它的設計不敢恭維。













採訪/朱智善 編輯/陳潔 後製/李勇

Inflatable Toad: Jiang Zemin’s Nickname Attracts Focus Of International Media

A giant inflatable toad is on exhibit in Beijing’s

Yuyuantan Park, which triggered Chinese people’s

jokes about the former header of Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) Jiang Zemin.

They say the toad is quite similar to Jiang.

Although within two days the toad deflated after a storm,

related news on the Internet continues to simmer.

Although relevant stories and posts on the Internet

have been deleted by some portal websites in Mainland

China, Chinese people’s spoofing of Jiang’s nickname

has attracted the attention of Western media.

Let’s have a look at the report.

On July 19, an inflatable big yellow toad, 22 meters high

and 34 meters wide, appeared Beijing’s Yuyuantan Park lake.

The organizers claimed the display was to give local residents

a refreshing summer “festivity" that “ads visual highlights."

This inflatable frog is suspected to be a cheap fake copy

of the Rubber Duck created by Florentijn Hofman in Holland

due to the similarities of floating in the water

the same yellow color, and its same huge size.

In addition, many netizens criticized its design.

Many netizens said the inflatable frog is “too ugly,"

and “ruins the visitors aesthetic senses."

Some Internet users ridiculed “the big frog" as looking

like the former Head of the CCP.

They said, “Is this for you to come out and show yourself?

It makes a mockery of the “Three Representatives"theory."

Mainland China’s Qianjiang Evening News published

a commentary article titled, “Big Yellow Duck Is Popular

Worldwide, What About The Big Yellow Toad?"

which criticizes the inflatable frog as giving a very bad,

obscene impression to the viewers."

It is “obviously a frog, but is being called a gold toad;

it obviously disgusts viewers who are forced to say

it is very auspicious.

This is very boring."

There is only a few differences between

the big yellow duck and big rubber toad,

but one will recorded in the annals,

another will be left in infamy."

Mainland poet Wang Zang: “It might be intentional

to exhibit the toad, which is regarded as one means

of the fighting between Xi Jinping and Jiang Zemin.

For so many years, the Chinese people put Jiang Zemin

called Jiang toad.

In fact, this reflects a kind of resentment

by the people against him."

US-based Chinese Problem analyst Zhang Jian:

“Xi Jinping may now aim directly at Jiang Zemin,

hit Jiang Zemin vigorously, humiliate Jiang,

and challenge Jiang in the media.

The message being sent to Jiang’s faction is that in Beijing

and the whole of China, as well as within the CCP

and the military, the only one who can command everything

is Xi Jinping."

However, this big toad appeared only for two days, and then

due to the storms, it leaked and deflated on the water.

Pictures of the deflated toad were widely circulated

on the Internet.

Subsequently, the Xinhua News Agency

and major news portal websites deleted the reports,

and many related posts and comments

on the Internet have been deleted.

Wang Zang: “If the civil society contacted in this regard,

they are not to take it seriously.

But if this is relevant to political figures,

and the incumbent officials and today’s CCP elite,

then to delete these messages become natural behavior."

Although the relevant reports and comments related

to the inflatable frog have been deleted, the incident

has attracted foreign media attention including

from the BBC, Telegraph, The New York Times and AFP.

Many such Western mainstream media have reported

that Jiang Zemin was spoofed by netizens

in terms of Jiang’s nickname.

The Telegraph in Britain said that when the weekend’s

storms caused part of this frog to deflate and its face was

immersed in water, people joked that this is symbolic

of the 87-year-old Jiang’s health status.

AFP reported that there are many rumors swirling

around Jiang Zemin.

Some reports say that during the current anti-corruption

movement, the incumbent Head of the CCP Xi Jinping

is targeting some of Jiang’s key alliance members.

Zhang Jian believes that Xi Jinping cannot only

be counted on to punish Jiang Zemin.

The power of all Chinese people is very important.

Zhang Jian: “After all Jiang Zemin was

once the head of the CCP.

To expose all problems of Jiang Zemin’s era is not trivial,

and this is the matter Xi Jinping is most concerned with.

He might not obtain the support

from other powerful seniors of the CCP.

The old rule “punishment does not extend to the members

of the Standing Committee of Politburo" has already

been broken, but there may be significant difficulties

in really carrying out the of arrest of Jiang Zemin.

A person like him (Jiang Zemin), must be liquidated

by the Chinese people, and I believe this will happen soon."

On July 22, political affairs commentator Xia Xiaoqiang

pointed out in his blog article that in the history of mankind,

from China to other countries, there are few cases

of an emperor or a president of a country like Jiang Zemin,

whose traitorous and adulterous scandals have been

disseminated all over the world and have become

the focus of people’s sarcasm and cursing

before he stepped down.

People call Jiang Zemin “old fool."

One reason for his prolonged lifetime is perhaps

to await the arrival of the “trial of the century."

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Li Yong
