【禁聞】香港新書回望林彪之死 挑戰黨史














為新書《九一三回望》作序的美國哈佛大學教授馬若德(Roderick MacFarquhar)也表示,林彪早在中共的「九大」期間,就與毛澤東要把「文化大革命」進行到底的思想發生了矛盾。由於林彪主張優先發展生產力,而毛澤東恐懼林彪在軍隊中的威望與影響,隨即開始肅清林彪的勢力,最終設置圈套,迫使林彪就範。


Hong Kong Book Challenges Chinese Communist Party
Definition Of Lin Biao’s Death

New Century Press in Hong Kong is about to publish
a book that reassesses the “Lin Biao Incident”.
It challenges the traditional definition of the “Lin Biao Incident”
in Volumes II of History of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Historians quoted 1983’s secret information that Lin Biao’s
plane was hit by a rocket launched by the 8341 Troop.
Scholars point out the CCP compiles history
like weaving a tapestry to make it legitimate.

The book is titled Looking Back at 9.13 – The Historical Facts
And Analysis Of The Lin Biao Incident(Looking Back at 9.13).
It tries to use public documents to prove the loopholes in the
CCP’s explanation of the incident.
UK’s Sunday Times newspaper reports that this new book
“destroys the traditional definition of the “Lin Biao Incident”.

Volumes II of History of the CCP was published two years ago,
with CCP’s general party secretary as the chief-editor.
It continues to charge Lin Biao of two main crimes: Assassinate
Mao Zedong and try to set up a government in South China.

According to the CCP, Lin Biao, heir of Mao Zedong
and one of the top ten Marshalls,
died with his wife, son and all crew on September 13,
1971 in a plane crash in Mongolia.

In 1983, a book was published in the U.S.,
titled Conspiracy And Death of Lin Biao.
Far Eastern Review Press of Hong Kong translated
the book and published it in August, 1983.
It was titled The Death of Lin Biao – Behind the Scene
Secrets of A failed Coup.

The book indicates Lin Biao and his wife Ye Qun were shot
by a rocket after attending the dinner arranged by Mao.
Lin Biao’s son Lin Liguo was on the plane that crashed in
Mongolia. The CCP’s pictures of the crash site were fabricated.

According to the book, at 8pm on September 12, 1971,
Lin Biao and Ye Qun arrived for dinner at
Mao Zedong’s Yuquan Mountain Villa in Beijing’s
Western Hills. Following the dinner, they left.
At 11 o’clock that night, people within the villa heard
two loud explosions.
The ambush team of the 8341 Troop shot rockets into
Lin Biao’s car, which exploded Flames shot up in the air.
The two people in the front seat were blown to pieces.

Former Beijing University professor Su Ming
said that he believed what the book states.

Su Ming: “Lin Liguo was waiting with a helicopter
at Beijing West Park Airport for his parents.
He heard of the explosion, so he flew to Shanhaiguan.

He got on a plane, apparently purchased from
the UK and took off. He was shot.
Less than a month after Lin Biao and his wife died, more than
forty people who participated in killing Lin Biao died secretly.

Former Beijing Normal University associate professor Li
Yuanhua said the CCP made up history to keep its legitimacy.
There are many lies in history written by the CCP.

Li Yuanhuan: “The CCP is not an elected government.
It is famous for conspiracy and power struggle.
In order to maintain its regime, it has been making up facts
how the Chinese society needs it, how it contributes to China.
In fact, these are opposite to history.”

Su Ming expressed that the CCP brainwashes students
with its views (lies) on history and civilization.
The CCP’s statements on the Anti-Japanese War
and Civil War are against historic facts.

Su Ming: “Why did the CCP do Long March?
Because they wanted to fight against the Japanese.
The KMT did not let them fight against the Japanese.
So they marched northward. This is what I learned at school.
I found it very strange back then. The Japanese were
in the Northeast. Why did they run to the Northwest?
I figured that it was the CCP who escaped away.”

Harvard University Professor Roderick MacFarquhar who
wrote the preface of “Looking Back at 9.13” also said,
as early as the CCP’s 9th Congress, Lin Biao had conflicts
with Mao Zedong’s effort to push the “Cultural Revolution.
Lin Biao advocated the development of productivity.
Mao was afraid of his prestige and influence in the army.
Mao started to eliminate the power of Lin Biao,
and ultimately set the trap to get rid Lin Biao.
