【禁聞】「房媳」張彥 造假手段眼花繚亂

















“Housing Daughter-in-law” New Corruption Facts

Zhang Yan is from Shanxi Province, Yuncheng City,
and is known as the “Housing daughter-in-law”.
She has an unlawful double household registration (Hukou),
in Beijing and Shanxi, as well as owns several houses.
Her family is known to be involved in corruption,
and forgery with various means of fraud, yet their case is still not been addressed by the authorities.
The netizen, who first exposed the Housing daughter-in-law,
had just released his newest investigation on the case.

In January this year, Shanxi Yuncheng Commission
for Discipline Inspection’ cadre Zhang Yan was exposed to have a double “identification”.
Her father-in-law Sun Taiping, ex-Yuncheng Finance Bureau’
Secretary, owns over a dozen houses in Beijing and Sanya.

After investigation, it appears that the long-term employed
Housing daughter-in-law Zhang Yan is actually unemployed;
and that she used a false name on the Hukou; her husband
leaned false procedures step by step to became a Public Security Bureau chief;
her father-in-law changed his age
to postpone his retirement, etc.

A few months have passed, the “Housing daughter-in-law”
incident’ has not been handled by the authorities yet.

On April 10, Gao Qinrong, who first revealed the case of
Housing daughter-in-law, published his latest news on it.
He claims, Zhang Yan is a cadre of Yuncheng’ Commission
for Discipline Inspection, has two ID cards, and her family owns 15 sets of real estate in Yuncheng only.
Zhang Yan´s husband Sun Hongjun faked his files,
and was a Public Security Bureau chief of Xia County;
he is involved in drug abuse, rape of young girls, illegal use
of guns and inspection means, has huge unknown property.
Zhang Yan´s father-in-law Sun Taiping
is a former Secretary of the Finance Bureau;
he has illegitimate son with his mistress Yao, who he set
to work in the Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Team;
he also gave his mistress’ brother 10 million Yuan
to build a flour mill in Fenglingdu.

Sun Taiping not only changed his age in his profiles,
but also changed his son’, son-in-law’ and others’ resumes to promote them to high county level positions.

In addition, Sun Taiping was said to squander over 500
million Yuan annually only from the city´s coal company.
Plus, Sun gets several hundred million a year through
managing the local coal business, earning his nickname “the four hundred million’ Sun”.

Sun´s sister, brother, son, daughter, son-in-law and other
relatives have serious problem with the law, like false cadres’ position, fake identities, forged profiles, etc.

Gao Qinrong, reporter: “Shanxi´s Housing daughter-in-law
is different from Shaanxi’ Gong Aiai “Housing sister".
Gong is involved only in housing, but Shanxis case
is about a serious corruption of a whole family.
Because Sun Taiping is an ex-Secretary of Finance’ Bureau,
he used this power to arrange high positions for his family, and to change their files, data, etc.”

Gao Qinrong is a former reporter of “Shanxi Youth Daily"
and “Xinhua News".
He exposed the Shanxi Yuncheng water conservation’ fraud,
and was known as the “Crackdown Hero Reporter".
In 2007, Gao won the “International Press Freedom Award",
from the Reporters Protection Committee.
They said, “Gao Qinrong’s reports are excellent. Yet instead
of being rewarded for them, he sat eight years in prison."

Now many dare not hire Gao due to his background, so he is
unemployed, his wife is serious ill, their life is very tough.

Gao said, Sun Taiping used public funds and power
to weave a tight network of relationships.
Plus, he coupled with a “ghost" in the Yuncheng Commission
for Discipline Inspection, so there are a lot of obstacles to bring Sun Taiping to justice.

Gao Qinrong: “Sun Taiping´s network is very powerful;
many in his network are still in influential positions.
I doubt if the investigation could continue smoothly.
Plus, one of the inspection officials had framed me before.”

Independent commentator Xing Tianxing pointed out,
the Housing daughter-in-law’ case is not resolved for a long time because this is not only one family’ corruption matter.
Many officials stay behind each corruption case,
and even many government key departments are involved.

Xing Tianxing, independent commentator: “The Chinese
Communist Party (CCP)´s corruption issue is now very serious and has no solution.
This case is a good example of that.

The case could be handled eventually, but they extenuate
the big problems, and then it all results to nothing.

Xing Tianxing adds, CCP’ stability maintenance for years
is actually safeguarding elites’ and corrupt officials’ interests.
People´s dream of a better life has become a luxury,
in the face of these greatly corrupt officials, Xing remarked.
