




China Listed Among Countries Considered “Internet Enemy"

Because of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP)’s strengthening of it’s monitoring capability,
China is listed in the countries considered “Internet Enemy"
by international non-governmental organizations.
On March 12th, the human rights organization
Reporters Without Borders published it’s annual report,
this showed that China and Iran have significantly
strengthened their monitoring of the Internet since last year,
and that they now belonged to the countries
considered “Internet Enemies".
In addition, another 10 countries, including North Korea,
Cuba, Vietnam and Belarus have been included in the list.
The report accuses these countries of
filtering Internet content restricting Internet freedom,
and of conducting official propaganda and
persecuting “cyber-dissidents".

In addition, in the draft amendment of the new
Criminal Procedure Law, “secret arrests" have become legal.
This has become one of the focuses public concerns
during the CCP’s “two sessions” conference this year.
At present, rural folk in mainland China have launched mass
movements, trying to stop this “draconian law” from being passed in Congress.
In addition to persons in the legal profession, investor Xue Manzi
launched a vote on “whether or not the draft amendment of
the Criminal Procedure Law should be voted on now”
in Sina micro blogging on the afternoon of March 11th.
Within only a few hours, over 10,000 persons had voted.
And 93% of Internet users had agreed to postpone the vote.
In addition, media person Wen Yunchao launched an online
initiative themed “Action by everyone opposed to the passing of the draconian law”,
this called for netizens to send e-mails, SMS, to call and
appeal to the representatives of the congress:
the draft amendment of Criminal Procedure Law is a draconian law
and cannot be passed under any circumstances.

The CCP’s Attorney General of the Top Procuratorate said
in the work report at the annual meeting of the
National People’s Congress on Sunday, that there was a
total figure of 1631 corrupt officials arrested last year,
and that nearly 7.8 billion yuan of illicit money
and goods had been recovered.
Newspapers in mainland China widely reported this news
on Monday.
However, netizens in mainland China said that those arrested
account for only a small number of corrupt officials.
In addition, it is said that most of the properties which
had been illegally transferred to the outside have not yet been recovered.
In July last year, the CCP’s voice media People’s Daily
Overseas Edition reported that
over 4,000 corrupt officials had fled overseas,
taking away amounts of over 50 billion U.S. dollars.
However, a few days later, this report has been withdrawn.

Because of their being against compulsory land expropriation,
the villagers, in Pinghai town, Huidong County,
Guangdong Province, organized a protest with coffins
blocking the roads.
They continue to be subjected to retaliation by CCP authorities.
In the last few days, nearly 20 villagers have been arrested.
