【禁聞】貴州小學吃爛菜 黑心食堂引民憤















School Food Poisoning Scandal Rocks China |

A primary school in Guizhou Province has been reportedly
serving rotten food to students for lunch.
News of the incident triggered massive street protests.
Schools in mainland China reap a profit by maintaining
“black heart cafeterias” is not an isolated problem.
People wonder if the present generation of
Chinese children is really the future of the country.
If they are being served food that pigs wouldn』t dare eat,
where on earth does China』s future lie?

On October 13, some Dongfeng Primary School
student』s parents discovered a truck full of rotten food,
which they believed was going to be served to the students.
The cabbages and green peppers were terribly rotten and smelly;
the eggplants were all withered, and the pork was bad quality.
Angry parents took the food off of the truck
and put it in the middle of the street to expose
the black hearted intention of the school』s cafeteria.

More and more parents gathered in front of the school gate.
Finally, thousands of people gathered, causing a traffic jam.
People did not leave until 1:30 p.m. that day.

One parent said that her child was suffering from nausea
and diarrhea and hasn』t been able to eat for a week.

Some parents of Dongfeng Primary School students said:
“If it gets worse, it could lead to food poisoning,
which would surely affect the children』s health.
If it is not stopped, it could affect the children of the future,
or develop other diseases as a result, or severe food poisoning.
Many things that we can』t bear to imagine could happen.
The effects could last a lifetime.”

It is believed that the Dongfeng cafeteria services
have been privately contracted for four years.
Students pay RMB 148 (US$23.20) per month for lunch,
or about RMB 7 (US$1.10) per meal.

Chairman of the Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch website
and former teacher, Liu Feiyue, pointed out that many schools
in mainland China earn money from cafeteria sales.

Liu: “Cafeterias are an important way for primary schools,
high schools, and even universities and other schools
in the mainland to earn money.
In many cases it is a school』s main source of income.”
Since schools have a lot of expenses, such as teachers』 salaries,
they all rely on cafeteria profits to keep them afloat.
Many schools would not make it without this extra income.
Schools think the more money they make, the better.
It is common for many schools to serve as small portions
of food as possible, thus reaping more profit..

According to mainland China media,
the principal of Dongfeng,Yu Rongtang has since been fired.

This black heart cafeteria event quickly caught the attention
of netizens and the media, with one netizen commenting:
“This phenomena is very common in primary and high schools
in Guizhou Province.
The cafeteria』s most food groups have quality control issues,
which is making the teachers very angry.
The fact that they dare not talk about their feelings
makes the whole situation very pathetic.”

One netizen said: “Both the government and schools are hateful.
They tell us everyday that children are the future of our country,
but they feed them rotten vegetables that a pig wouldn』t eat.
I don』t know where the future of China lies!”

Liu Feiyue believes that the leading cause is
the government』s lack of investment in education.

According to U.N. statistics, in the area of education,
China is worse off than some poor African countries,
such as Uganda and Ghana.
National Bureau of Statistics figures show that
from 2000- to 2009, China’s fiscal education expenditure was
less than 4 percent of the country』s GDP.
In 2009, China’s education expenditure
amounted to only RMB 803.3 billion (US$125.9 billion),
far below the RMB 1,400 billion (US$219.5 billion)
per Chinese Communist Party official』s public funds
for cars, entertainment, and traveling abroad.

NTD reporter Wu Wei and Xiao Yu
