




財經評論員余豐慧指出,在2009年和2010年,北京土地出讓收入總共為2600億元,償還貸款綽綽有餘。但他表示, 「由此分析得出,北京土地出讓金收入並沒有用來歸還貸款,而是挪作他用了。」









Beijing’s Mortgage Crisis

As media debate on whether Chinese economy
will have a “hard landing," another red light blinks.
Beijing’s mortgages for land exceed RMB 250 billion.
Experts said, it is the result of the corruption of
the communist government (CCP).
Many places in China are facing the same problem.

Chinese media report that a source close to
Beijing’s Land Bureau said, from 2009 to May 2011,
Beijing released 250 billion “land reserve mortgages".
In early 2011, the borrowers began mortgage payments
for the principals and interests, which are estimated
to exceed RMB 10 billion per month. However,
from Jan. to May 2011, Beijing only receives 25 billion.

Jin Yongxiang, GM of the Da Yue Consulting Firm
said, impacted by the strict control policies, Beijing and
other cities’ revenues from land sales all declined.
Excessively relying on “land reserve mortgages”
for land and infrastructure development, many local
governments are now under pressure to repay debt.

“Land reserve mortgages” refer to the mortgages
issued by banks to the governments to “reserve lands.”
The land reserve departments buy lands at low prices
and then auction them at high prices.
The profit from the so-called “land transferring fees"
will be used to repay the mortgages.

As financial commentator Yu Fenghui pointed out,
in 2009 and 2010, Beijing’s land transfer revenues
totaled RMB 260 billion, enough to repay mortgages.
However, “Beijing didn’t use it to repay the mortgages,
but use it for other purposes.”

An official of Chaoyang District Land Bureau
said at a land promotion conference on May 31,
in Chaoyang District alone, the daily interest on
“land reserve mortgages” exceeds RMB 13 million.

Global Times commented that
Beijing’s land finance is close to bankruptcy,
and China’s radical economic development model of
using real estate as collateral and “City Construction”
as the fuel, will come to an end.

The news were quickly spread by online posts.
The CCP tried in vain to remove the new report.

A netizen said, “The officials’ extravagance will
eventually end up being paid by the people.”
Another netizen said, “The local governments have
too much debt, but they dare not raise interest rates.
Without raising interest rates, inflation is increasing.
There seems to be no solution."
Some believed that China is a huge Ponzi scheme.

Yu said, let’s not regret land finances’ near-bankruptcy,
which is in fact beneficial to reverse local officials』
mentality for achievements, protect the land and
curb skyrocketing housing prices. After the bankruptcy,
a healthier real estate development will usher in.

In Zhou Yahui’s article
“The 7 Characteristics of China’s Impending Collapse"
the 1st characteristic is: the state’s financial problems.

It said, the CCP maintains a rapid revenue increase
by selling ores and lands in the recent decades,
in order to keep up with rapidly increased expenditure.
However, land is limited, and the CCP’s land acquisition
at low prices has led to people’s grievances.
The CCP is unable to sustain its revenues this way.
“So, the CCP regime will collapse for fiscal crises."

NTD reporters Wu Wei and Li Ruolin
