







《財經》舉江蘇省江陰市為例, 2010年江陰市有2500萬維穩專項工作經費,而這類經費由公安局和政法委主導。






Public Security Bill Questioned

Radio France Internationale (RFI) recently reported
China spent RMB624 billion “to maintain stability”.
Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mouthpiece,
Xinhua News, violently attacked RFI, claiming China
only had “public security expenses."
Chinese magazine Caijing (Finance) later published
China’s public security expenses, proving RFI right.

On May 9, Finance’s article “Public Security Bill"
stated that stability maintenance is within the area
of public security in foreign countries.

The article also mentioned that in China,
“stability maintenance" even covers private conflicts
that may upset the media and/or public opinion
and considerations in public policies and projects.

Prof. Chen Zhifei of New York City University:
“CCP argued that it has no stability program,
only public security expenses. To Chinese people,
public security & stability maintenance are the same.

Finance magazine cited official statistics,
saying that in 2011,China’s public security budget
is RMB624 billion, surpassing its defense budget
by RMB601 billion. Public security expenses
include costs for armed police, national security,
prosecution, courts, judicial administration,
prisons, labor camps and so on.

In the 2011 public security budget, 5 police groups
directly related to state violence,
including armed police, regular police, courts,
judicial system and anti-contraband police,
are allocated RMB506 billion,
accounting for 81% of the entire budget.
The budget for police alone is RMB322 billion.

Chen: “To the CCP, police forces are hired thugs.
The more the police, the more they harm the people.
In democracies, police are societal welfare.
CCP’s police are an important tool for its rule.
They are against the people.”

Finance magazine also noted another phenomenon:
“Local governments spend 3 times more
on public security than the central government.”

It used Jiangyin in Jiangsu Province as an example.
Jiangyin’s 2010 stability maintenance expenditure
was RMB25 million, which was controlled by the
Public Security Bureau and Legislation Committee.

There are some government departments
excluded from the budget, including all levels
of politics and legislative affairs committees,
and all levels of letters and petitions bureaus.

The budget for State Bureau of Letters and Petitions
in 2011 has reached RMB84 million.
The operational costs are RMB66 million.

Finance magazine came to a conclusion:
“The public security budget of RMB600 billion
can’t completely cover stability maintenance costs.”

Chen: “The statistics supported RFI’s conclusion.
CCP’s stability maintenance expenditure does
exceed national defense expenses. From this
we can see that the CCP regime is crumbling.
Without popular support, its days are numbered.
The Chinese masses and all people of the world
have a more clear understanding
of CCP’s true nature.
This budget helped people see it more clearly.”

NTD reporters Lin Ping, Li Jing and Zhou Ping
