【禁聞】利比亞人中文揭謊言 請央視閉嘴



在23號的利比亞班加西萬人集會上,利比亞人拉著“Vive le France”(法國萬-歲)的條幅,歡呼聯軍攻擊卡扎菲政府軍。此外利比亞人還打出標語“俄羅斯和中國不要代表利比亞人民”以及“多謝法國”。








網民“深深的太平洋”調侃稱:按照這個理論,越戰美國是為了香蕉,韓戰美國是為了泡菜,封鎖 古巴是為了雪茄,而出兵阿富汗是為了搶山羊……要是有一天打中國,那一定是為了入黨!



Libyans Expose CCP Media Lies

The Chinese government has denounced the
Western-led military action against the forces
of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi,
with it’s state-run media plying the line that
Libyan citizens are opposing Western intervention.
However, Libyan protestors later flashed a banner
in Chinese that read: “Muammar Gaddafi is a liar."

After the Western air strike in Libya, China’s attitude
changed from “acceptance" to “in favor of Gaddafi",
and accused the West of interfering with other
countries internal affairs, causing civilian deaths.

On March 23, Libyan protestors welcomed the
Western action by showing a banner with the words
“Vive la France (Long live France)".
Other slogans include “Russia and China Can Not
Decide on Behalf of the Libyan People!” and
“Merci Beaucoup à la France (Thank you France)!”.

According to Chinese netizens, China’s state-run
CCTV showed the “Vive la France” banner
on March 26. The broadcaster called it a Libyan
outcry against the city bombing by coalition forces.

But Libyan protestors later flashed a slogan
in Chinese, reading: “Muammar Gaddafi is a liar."

Chinese activist Zhang Jianzhong: “Social conflicts
in China are rising. CCP cannot say Libya’s protests
are successful, as it will affect the regime’s stability.
So the CCP is lying to people, through all media,
from CCTV to local newspapers.”

RFI reported that CCTV forged evidence by using
footage of Gaddafi’s attack on Benghazi as footage
of the Western air strike, in order to accuse
the West of causing civilian casualties in Libya.

The footage was sent by Al Jazeera’s reporter from
a hospital in Benghazi. According to the U.S, there is
no reported evidence of civilian casualties in Libya.

Beijing activist: “(CCTV) is not a media, but a tool
of propaganda. Just like Xinhua New Agency and
People’s Daily, it produces spiritual opium that
paralyzes the people to serve the tyranny.”

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested from
the coalition a ceasefire in Libya. CCTV commented
that both Iraq and Libya were attacked for oil.

A netizen joked that according to such logic,
the Vietnam War was for bananas; the Korean War
was for kimchi; the Cuban Missile Crisis was for
cigars; and the war in Afghanistan was for goats…
If some day China is striked, it would be to join CCP!

Le Figaro reported that actually China has rather
large oil stakes in the Middle East and North Africa.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Wang Ziqi, and Bo Ni
