【禁聞】薄熙來兩會再作秀 唱紅打黑遭譏諷






姜維平:「他為甚麼還要搞這麼一個打假、控制別人對它的批評?因為他光一手不行呀,肯定是一手硬,一手軟。怎麼硬? 你批評他,他就是要整你;他要軟,他就找一些人來吹捧。」






在去年兩會,薄熙來遭到台灣記者當眾質問他:「打黑運動是否是撈政治資本,為的是十八大進常委。」 他在今年兩會的記者會上說,重慶打黑是中央政府統一部署的。




Bo Xilai Promotes Maoism at CCP』s meetings

At the press conference for CCP』s “two meetings”,
Bo Xilai, Party Chief of Chongqing City,
promoted studying Mao Zedong』s works.
As Bo promotes CCP』s party culture,
Chongqing will spend US $2.6 billion
on the largest-scale online censorship in the world.
Wall Street Journal mocks Bo a “rising red star.”

On March 6, media gathered at
People』s Great Hall.
Attention turned to Bo Xilai about his promotion
in Chongqing to sing communist songs and
crack down on corruption

Bo said: efforts to “sing red and attack black”
should be steady, no matter what others say.
Some criticize Bo for politicizing his campaign,
but he denied to be interfering with the law.

Chongqing started to crack down on fake news.
Wu Zuolai of Chinese Art Academy pointed out
the fake reports on his support of “singing red”.

Jiang Weiping, ex-staff of a Hong Kong newspaper,
said Bo』s “red and black” campaign itself
uses forgery. For those businessmen and officials
he wants to attack,
he uses the media to frame them first.

Jiang: Why does Bo attack false news?
He uses two methods, one hard and one soft.
If you criticize him, he will give you trouble;
he builds soft assets by having people praise him.

Jiang spent 6 years in jail
for exposing Bo』s corruption.
He said Bo used thug Wang Lijun
to threaten the media.
Wang, the local police head,
proposed to file criminal charges against reporters
for false reporting on police.

Chongqing TV replaced ads with red propaganda
during the prime time
through a featured program “Sing Red Everyday”.

Historian Yu Yingshi: “sing red” means to
return to communist revolution and Maoism;
after cracking down on corruption,
they will rebuild the so called “spiritual base.”
It is seen as a revival of the Cultural Revolution.

At the press conference, Bo said
young people should read Mao』s works and
learn from Lei Feng.
In today』s China, these revolutionary icons
have lost their market.

Writer Jing Chu in Guangxi: Bo is speculating.
With censorship, Mao』s crimes are not exposed.
Lei Feng was a made-up model, very ridiculous;
he did not even have primary school education,
and his diaries were all made up.

Last year, Taiwanese reporters questioned
if Bo』s campaign was to gain political capital
to enter the CCP』s Standing Committee.
This year, he told media the “attacking black”
was the order from the CCP』s central government.

Hu Ping, chief editor of Beijing Spring said:
Bo』s red-black tune was not from the top.
The CCP』s top circle responded ambiguously,
showing split support.
Not many local officials followed suits.
It seems some top leaders were unhappy with Bo,
but could not stop him on his own territory.

Jiang put 20 years of research into his book
“Bo Xilai,” exposing Bo』s corruption and
his true nature. Jiang said,
with the support of ex-CCP head Jiang Zemin,
Bo packaged himself into an anti-corruption hero.
If his power is not curbed under Hu Jintao,
he will become a major trouble in the future.

NTD Reporters Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping
