一个加拿大居民写给欧卫的公开信 [中英文]


的关注。 对于贵公司关闭新唐人电台对中国大陆的卫星转播和即将发生的单方面取
定时, 能够再多考虑考虑。

大卫.乔高和大卫. 麦塔斯的独立报告: 血淋淋的活摘,就是他们现在面对的最危险


我想贵公司应该还记得, 2003年,中共故意隐瞒重大传染病SARS的疫情,使这种疾
的重视。 如今,另外一个新的传染病口足手病 (HFMD),正在中国慢慢蔓延。
为了奥运面子,中共又开始了新一轮的隐瞒。 现在, 新唐人电视台是唯一在向外界




最重要的是, 通过真相的传播,越来越多的中国人了解到了共活摘法轮功修炼者器

您是不是将苦苦寻求真相的中国人重新推向黑暗? 另外,一旦中国人将来获得了光

思考: “我来到这里,向全世界的人呐喊:因为我们的允许,中共正在对他的人民



29 July 2008
To the attention of:
Chief Executives,
Eutelsat Communications

I am a concerned Canadian resident and I pray that my message reaches the
heart of sensible and honest executives at Eutelsat. About the fact that you
are closing the Broadcasting of New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) to China
and cancelling the contract with NTDTV unilaterally, I had a few questions
to ask you, wishing that it could make you think a bit more before making
the final decision. I think you should know that, the persecution illegally
launched by the Chinese Communist Regime on millions of Falun Gong
Practitioners, started 9 years ago and still continues. However, the whole
illegal crackdown was based on lies. So many Chinese, who don’t know the
truth, are still reporting their neighbours, colleagues, even beloved ones
to the police. What Mr. David Kilgour and Mr. David Matas described in their
independent report: “Bloody Harvest”, is the real situation all these
Falun Gong Practitioners are facing in China. Web Link: http://www.organh

At this critical moment, to close the only Chinese media who is telling the
truth to all these deceived people in China; are you directly helping the
CCP to conceal their crimes and helping them to kill more innocent people?

I think you may still remember, in 2003, the CCP deliberately concealed the
outbreak of SARS, almost causing the disaster to spread around the world.
However, several weeks before the outbreak of SARS, NTDTV had repeatedly
warned the whole world about the spreading of this disease. Today, another
new disease called Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease or HFMD, has been widely
spreading in China. In order to save its face before the upcoming Olympics,
the Communist Party again decided to hide the truth about this dangerous
disease from the whole world. Meanwhile, NTDTV is the only Chinese TV
reporting the worsening epidemic situation to people outside China.

Do you think it is socially acceptable to close down this Chinese media who
is the only one telling the truth to the whole world about this disease?

Another example, on April of this year, when the Communist Party was passing
the Olympic Torch in Paris, the good hearted French people launched a legal
protest to call for an end of CCP’s Global Human Rights Violation. However,
in China, the CCP distorted the whole story, and incited the mobs to attack
numerous French Companies operating in China. The cashier counters of
Carrefour supermarkets were smashed into pieces. The NTDTV reported the
truth to people in China immediately, telling Chinese people that the
incident in Paris was not hatred to China and Chinese people; it was a call
from good hearted French people to the CCP to respect human rights.

I would like to ask Eutelsat, being a French Company; should you close this
honourable TV, how could you demonstrate to all these good people that you
are a French Company loving France and justice?

Most importantly, through the spreading of truth, more and more Chinese
People found out about the Forced Organ Harvesting crimes committed by the
CCP. Up to now, there have been 40 millions Chinese people quit the Chinese
Communist Party. As time goes on, there will be more and more people getting
aware of this persecution reality, and it is absolutely sure that, one day,
Chinese people will choose a brighter future without CCP.

I would like to ask Eutelsat, at this Urgent moment when the Chinese People
are so in need of the truth, by helping the CCP close NTDTV, aren’t you
pushing the people striving for the Truth back into the dark? Moreover, once
the Chinese People obtain a bright future without CCP, how will you face
them at that time? How will you be able to continue your contract made with
the CCP by sacrificing Chinese Conscience – NTDTV?

Finally, I would like to quote a small piece of Speech from Ms. Vino-Elad,
Israel famous actress, wishing that it makes you think a little more: “I
came here to cry out: There is a holocaust, and it is taking place in China
because we are allowing it to happen. Not only are we allowing it to happen,
we are also funding it, and strengthening the power of those responsible.”

Best Regards,

A Disappointed Canadian Resident
