【禁聞】萬人聯署 籲取消社會撫養費

















採訪/陳漢 編輯/陳潔 後製/郭敬

Thousands of People Petition to Cancel Family Planning Fine

A joint letter of more than 10,000 Chinese calling for an end
to the family planning fine, called the social maintenance fee,
was addressed to the National People’s Congress (NPC) and
Legislative Affairs Office (LAO) of the State Council on Dec. 8.
In addition to the large sum of the fine, which has been
unaccounted for, it is considered that fertility is a basic human
right, so the regulation should be abolished.

Guangdong International Economics College teacher Li Runfa
is one of the initiators of the letter.
He told China Business News, or yicai, that a joint letter and
a 834-page signers book have been delivered to the NPC
and LAO of the State Council.

Li Runfa said, once the proposal was issued to various
online chat rooms, more than 10,000 people quickly
responded to the petition.

There are people from all walks of life such as teachers,
civil servants, engineers, doctors, lawyers, workers,
self-employed, business manager and so forth.

Yicai reported the argument was brought about due to a
Nov. 20 release of LAO soliciting ideas on regulating
the family planning fine.

Demographers Huang Wenzheng and Liang Jianzhang
coauthored a proposal to suspend the fine collection.
Six NPC members such as Huizhou City Tourism Bureau Director,
Huang Xihua, also recommended the regulation be abolished.

Southeastern University Law Professor Zhang Zanning:
“I think this is a very reasonable request.
Fertility is the most basic human right.

Everywhere in the world except for China, the family and
society are responsible for raising the child.
In China, it is the contrary.
Extra births will result in a maintenance fee to society.
It is unreasonable."

Activist Han Chengxiang told Radio Free Asia that collection
of social maintenance fee was based on the view of the child
as a societal burden.

But, economics of population has demonstrated, rather than
an economic burden, population is the wealth creator.

Reportedly, more than 20 billion yuan of family planning fines
are collected annually.
For years, the rationale and the usage of the fine has been
a subject of concern and doubt.

Zhang Zanning: “Based on the money collected previously,
the opaque system has been questioned as to who have
benefitted by the regulation.

Data showed some of the money has become a bonus and
subsidy for the workers at the Family Planning Commission.
Those who were supposed to be raised by the fee
did not get the benefit.
This fine collection must be terminated."

Faced with social appeal, the National Health and Family
Planning Commission responded on Dec. 2 that the social
maintenance fee will not be canceled.

It claimed the cancellation will only be unfair to those who
abide by the child birth policy.

Zhang Zanning: “This argument is not justified. Whether or not
a policy is followed, the citizen’s rights should be equal.
In fact, it does not make sense.

If I was treated unfairly, someone else should be treated unfairly,
so that is just? This is ridiculous."

A Xinhua column indicated that the family planning fine
has accumulated more than 1.5 trillion yuan,
but is unaccounted for.

Despite Health and Family declared the fee will not be
abolished, the argument remains fierce.
Xinhua stated: Unveil the secret, keep it open and transparent,
it is the key to win trust.

But Henan activist Zhang Haitao does not believe there is
openness and transparency under a one-party dictatorship.

Zhang Haitao: “Communist family planning policy has
always been a violation of human rights. It is inhumane.
This policy has been going on for more than 30 years.

It has bred a bunch of people exploiting others
by manipulating the family planning policy.
This social maintenance fee collected tens of billions of yuan
a year. It is a severe burden to many families.
The money collected was not used in improving livelihood.

Therefore, more and more people demand the cancellation
of the social maintenance fee."

Wuxi resident Wang Caixia is a victim of the CCP family
planning policy.
She says that the reality of family planning policy is that
money allowed wealthy people to give extra births.

Wang Caixia: “The family planning fine is certainly wrong.

Those who are rich such as the movie stars, they can give
extra births, but ordinary people can’t. It is definitely wrong.
The institutional issues have created many injustices
in China today.
I became a handicap because of the policy. They even made up
false evidence to suppress the injustice.
We can’t do anything about it."

There are also many Internet discussions about the abolition
of social maintenance fee.
A netizen wrote: It is shameless to buy 『the right to give birth.’

Another netizen stated: Since the day someone is born,
it is destined to fall in the trap to negotiate with all sorts
of questionable and unlawful administrative charges.
