
【新唐人2011年2月8日訊】最近,“中國數字時代” (China Digital Times)網站發出幾篇系列文章,詳細介紹了中共“國保”的組成、工作對像、工作內容等。對於「數字時代網站」揭密國保的行爲,引發了人們對於國保合法性及他們暴力執法方式的討論。隔天,「數字時代網站」遭到攻擊,數小時不能登陸。













趙先生:“因為它要保護中共的政權中共它篡取了國家的政權。國家的政權是全國人民的政權,而不是中共的政權。”他就是鎮壓人民的警察。說白了。簡單的說, 他就是鎮壓正義的警察。他的槍口是對準異議人士、維權人士、反腐敗精英的。”



“中國數字時代”是一個英語、中文雙語的網站,網站由柏克萊加州大學的Counter-Power Lab主辦,主要是由新聞院的學生以及部分博客主撰寫。這個網站在中國大陸被中共防火長城封鎖。


Recently China Digital Times website published State Security』s organization, work target, and scope. This led to discussions on the system』s legitimacy
and its violent means. On the following day, the US-based China Digital Times websitewas attacked, unavailable for a number of hours.

Deutsche Welle said on Feb 6,China Digital Times revealed the targets of State Security, i.e.those who hold and express different opinions from the “main tune;” rights activists and faith groups may be targeted.

Rights lawyer Tang Jitian believes State Security』s target is even broader.

Tang:“The main targets are those good people People who truly pursuit in human rights, people who safeguard laws, including some faith believers, writers with free thoughts,people who are wrongly treated in the legal systems.

State Security composed of internal safety units under the police bureau. It is the CCP』s “Gestapo,” always veiled with secrecy.

Chinese netizen refers State Security as “the Panda.”Whenever there are public events or memorials,“The panda” will move into all corners,most of its personnel dress in plain cloths.

Their work methods include surveillance, persuasion,house arrest, detention, or even torture. Some believe the system violates human rights and law.

Tang Jitian:“They are like the German Gestapo.Gestapo may even wear uniforms.
But in China, those of my friends encountered are all plainclothes. They rarely show their work identity, andkeep their names and contact info secret.”

In the well-known Qian Yunhui case in Zhejiang, volunteer investigator Xue Mingkai obtained important evidence of Qian』s homicide. But State Security arrested Xue. He Depu, a Democracy Party member was attacked by a dozen State Security staff after being released from 8 years of imprisonment.

Mr. Zhao, who is targeted by State Security, said,“because I do not stand in line with the Party, and I want to speak out, they monitor me. If I, instead of speaking the truth, lie with the Party, they will not monitor me, but support me.”

Overseas Minghui website carries many reports on State Security』s harassment of Falun Gong practitioners,including framing, threats, and violent perpetration.
Some Falun Gong practitioners died from the persecution.

Hao Fengjun, a former State Security personnel, exposed how 610 Office under State Security persecuted Falun Gong, making money through it.

China Digital Times published a report by Yang Guangwei, a security staff from Zhejiang,explaining the less-known “special information” system directly serving government officials and departments.

Mr. Zhao: It is to protect the Party』s power.The Communist party has usurped state power, which should belong to the people, not the Party. The State Security suppresses the people. Simply put, they are the police suppressing justice. Their guns are pointing at dissidents, rights activists,and people against corruption.

Rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong told Deutsche Welle,State Security』s action violates the law.But that』s how the police system operates.

Jiang believes internet is a good way for exposure.As people expose the secret police』s abuse, it benefits information flow and protects all.

China Digital Times, a Chinese and English website,is housed by Counter-Power Lab at University of California at Berkeley. Articles are written by students and bloggers. The site is blocked by China』s firewall.

NTD Reporter Chang Chun, Wang Ziqi and Xiao Yu.
