【禁闻】逼迁恐吓 中共迫爱滋病人作恶














上海访民毛恒凤: “我关在里面让我给谁关在一起?跟爱滋病人、性病的,他们明着就这样讲,说我不交待就叫爱滋病人咬我,让我感染上爱滋病,他们打我但我没还手,我不想感染上爱滋病。或者的话,我就不可能活着出来。”


时政评论员古春秋: “你想一想爱滋病人,他也是一些等待救助的人,是弱势群体,那共产党不帮助这些人,反而逼迫这一群人去威胁另一群弱势群体,像那些受拆迁户,我们看到,共产党其实在制造一种罪恶。”




采访编辑/李韵 后制/萧宇

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

How AIDS Patients Are Manipulated by the Communist Party.

Many innocent Chinese AIDS patients are manipulated
to conduct evil acts for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

In Henan Province, where the AIDS epidemic is most severe,
AIDS victims are hired to conduct forced demolitions.

Petitioners are also threatened with bites
by AIDS patients in the prisons.

Forced demolition has been rampant in China over the years.

To conduct the demolitions, the regime
has used various means.

Netizens revealed that local government of Nanyang City,
Henen, organized a demolition team of AIDS patients.

Using red paint, the target buildings were painted with a
sign saying ‘AIDS demolition team’.

It was to force residents to move for fear of risk of infection.

In a mainland media report on Dec. 23, a local residential
community was found to be painted with words that read
‘AIDS demolition team’ in red. The community was built
in the 1990s with property right of 70 years.

According to residents in the community, a group of 5 men
and 1 woman visited the place in early December.

They claimed they are the AIDS patients.

The developers have paid them 300,000 yuan to conduct
the demolition.

They claimed that they “rely on this to pay for the living
expenses and medical bills.”

It is said that since they moved into the community, they
have been knocking on doors, shouting and threatening
that they will pass on the illness to them if they don’t move.
They also set off firecrackers at midnight to frighten children.

Residents’ reports and complaints to the police were only
rewarded with warning by the police that it’s not worth it
to get infected with AIDS. Dozens of families were forced
to move away out of frustration.

Zhang Zhenduo is also a resident of the community.

He was made the director of the community committee
for his ability in law. His family has been threatened.

On Dec. 15, after complaining to the police, his window
was shot and left with multiple holes.

On the evening of Dec. 17, his home was attacked again
with gun shots.

The police arrived and picked up two steel balls,
but left without a filing receipt or notice.

A Henan AIDS patient Ms. Lee tells NTD that developers
hiring AIDS patients for forced demolition is common
throughout Henan. In order to make a living, many AIDS
patients have accepted the job.

Ms. Lee, “You can’t be sick at all. One attack, it would cost a
fortune and some of them can’t be cured at all.

The developers pay their daily expenses, some are hundreds
of yuan a day for medical care."

Henan AIDS patient Liu Ximei says that AIDS patients are
more effective than the triad in assisting the authorities
to evict and demolish.

In May, the developers of her community hired AIDS
patients to do the forced eviction.

Nearly all have moved out of her community
for fear of being infected with the disease.

Liu Ximei, “People are aware of this disease, so developers
are paying them and have them create troubles.

They could also get commission by standing in front
to target or serve as a shield against whoever is opposing
the demolition or the construction. They are ordered
to pull those who oppose their activities."

In the morning of Dec. 24, Nanyang municipal propaganda
department responded that local public security department
has started an investigation and the company has been
ordered to stop the demolition.

In fact, the CCP has manipulated AIDS patients with money
to intimidate people.

In November, Shanghai petitioner Mao Hengfeng was
threatened with a bite from an AIDS patient by authorities
when she was detained in Beijing.

Mao Hengfeng, “Who would I be locked up with in the jail?

The AIDS patients and the ones who have sexually
transmitted diseases.

That’s what they told me. If I don’t confess, they would have
the AIDS patients bite me and get me infected with AIDS.

They hit me, but I did not hit back, because I don’t want
to get infected with AIDS.

Otherwise, I would not have been alive today."

Political commentator Gu Chunqiu criticized that this type
of evil manipulation of the already helpless AIDS patients
could only happen under the CCP ruling.

Gu Chunqiu, “Think about these AIDS patients, they are
a group of vulnerable people awaiting a savior.

Rather than helping them, the CCP forces them to tackle
another group of vulnerable people.

For example those households faced with forced demolition.
We see how the CCP is manufacturing the sin."

Gu Chunqiu analyzes that the CCP is passing its own crisis,
the crisis of AIDS patients in need of help, to another
vulnerable group. It shirks its responsibilities by deliberately
alienating people.

Since the 1990s when Henan government promoted “blood-
selling to get rich", thousands of people have been infected.

Over the years, many infected patients have been arrested
and detained for addressing their grievances to authorities.

Dr. Gao Yaojie, China’s first AIDS prevention activist, escaped
house arrest in 2009 and now resides in the United States.

She disclosed on World AIDS Day this year that there are at
least 10 million AIDS victims in China today.

Interview Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/XiaoYu
