【禁闻】建三江闹大了 滕彪:2014律师界该破题了!











王藏﹕“像苏家屯的事件,以及活摘器官,以及他们(中共政权)打死算自杀,然后从经济上搞垮,这么严重的人权迫害,这种惨无人道的,这种反人类罪,我们不能再漠视,要不然我们自己不管是不是法轮功学员,我们自己所遭受的肯定会比以往更严重,不抗争就毁灭。 ”



采访/朱智善 编辑/周平 后制/萧宇

Chinese Lawyers Write Joint Letter to Rescue Detained Lawyers in Jiansanjiang

The Jiansanjiang authorities in Heilongjiang Province
continue to detain the human rights lawyers.
On March 27, over 30 lawyers throughout
China published a joint open letter.

The letter strongly requests China National Lawyers’
Association to offer emergent rescue, and come out to
legally protect lawyer’s right to practice, and right to life.

One of the detained lawyers, Wang Cheng, is probably
seriously injured, according to current information.

The Public Security Bureau in Wang Cheng’s hometown,
Xiangyang in Hubei Province, asked his father on
March 28 if he’d like to visit Wang Cheng in Jiansanjiang.

Lawyer Zhang Junjie, who was released earlier,
has been diagnosed with three fractured ribs.

A group of lawyers in mainland China have
written a joint letter, requesting emergency
rescue of four lawyers detained in Jiansanjiang.
The letter says lawyers throughout China are very angry.

More and more lawyers have decided to go to
Jiansanjiang to support the lawyers on hunger strike.
They go to fight for the legal rights of lawyers,
to join the rights activity of revealing “black jails".
Other lawyers and citizens are donating money
and speaking up for these activities in Jiansanjiang.

The open letter appeals to the China National Lawyers’
Association, Heilongjiang Province Lawyers’ Association,
and lawyers’ associations throughout China.

It asks them to raise their voices in unison and offer
timely moral and career support to the rights lawyers.

The letter says that Jiansanjiang Public Security Bureau
dispatched a number of plainclothes officers and police.
They threatened and followed lawyers who came to
support this movement, in order to stop them from visiting.
The police also set up checkpoints on the road to the
detention center, prohibiting people from entering or leaving.

Teng Biao, Mainland rights lawyer:
“Jiansanjiang authorities ignore the law.
The black jails there are illegal, and are
used to brutally arrest and torture lawyers.
They also rejected other lawyers
from visiting the detained lawyers.
When other citizens and lawyers went there to support,
they illegally inspected them and blocked the roads.
If the local authorities don’t change this illegal
action, there will be more citizens and lawyers
who continually go there in support."

Teng Biao indicated that arresting lawyers, beating lawyers,
and torturing lawyers in black jails is illegal, without question.
Jiansanjiang is now a focus among lawyers in China.
The action of the Jiansanjiang authorities has also brought
the issue of the persecution to Falun Gong into view.

Teng Biao: “(Lawyer) Gao Zhisheng wrote an open
letter to the National People’s Congress in 2004.
This was a very, very courageous action.
He was then persecuted extremely brutally.
Many brave rights lawyers including Tang Jitian,
Jiang Tianyong, and Wang Cheng continued
to visit the black jails, and to reveal the truth of
illegal actions in there and brainwashing centers.
More and more lawyers plead not guilty for Falun Gong
practitioners, and more and more people pay attention to it.
More and more people aren’t afraid of this sensitive topic."

Teng Biao wrote on Twitter: “2014 is the time that lawyer
circles make a breakthrough on the Falun Gong issue."

Wang Zang, Mainland poet: “Like lawyer Teng Biao said,
it’s time to make breakthrough on the Falun Gong issue in
lawyers circle now. It can’t be neglected. I agree very much.
We often times have the attitude
to avoid the Falun Gong issue.
We selectively pay attention to human rights issues.
But the most serious human rights issue focuses
on the persecution to Falun Gong practitioners.
Paying attention to the persecution of Falun Gong
is paying attention to China’s human rights issues.
There should be more people standing up on this issue."

Beijing rights activist Hu Jia remarked on
Twitter: “The CCP’s party guards and thugs
spent 6 months torturing Cao Shunli to death.
They can beat a citizen to injury or death in a few minutes.
The four rights lawyers experiences in Jiansanjiang
proves that local Falun Gong practitioners are in
a more ruthless and dark situation, like that of hell."

Wang Zang: “The Sujiatun incident, live organ harvesting,
the CCP’s orders of labeling the killing of a Falun Gong
practitioner as suicide, and destroying practitioners financially.
We can’t disregard such severe persecution of human rights
and such inhuman crimes against humanity anymore.
Otherwise, no matter whether we are Falun Gong
practitioners or not, we will suffer more in the future.
If we don’t fight, we’ll be destroyed."

Meanwhile, there are also Chinese lawyers and
citizens writing joint letters to the Ministry of
Public Security and Minister Guo Kunsheng.

The letter says that, “the so called Legal
Education Centersare in fact black jails.
This is the revival of the illegal
study class in the Culture Revolution!
In order to avoid the expansion and deterioration of the
situation, we strongly request the public security bureau
to immediately stop the Jiansanjiang police’s illegal actions.
Immediately protect the lawyers’ rights of visiting,
immediately inspect the Jiansanjiang prison,
and strictly punish the leaders and responsible staff
who establish black jails and torture these lawyers."

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Zhou Ping Post-Production/Xiao Yu
