【禁闻】《环时》评美领馆 律师:中国伤不起















采访/朱智善 编辑/黄亿美 后制/

China Cannot Afford to Hurt The U.S. Embassy

Recently, a review article in Global Times, the mouthpiece
media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), stated,
“The U.S. embassies and consulates cannot be shelters
for officials who have committed crimes,"
and that they cannot decide the fate and
future of Chinese citizens.
Some analysts pointed out the Global Times’ stance may
prevent officials from following Wang in the future,
and it may also prevent petitioners from doing the same.

However, the Chinese people want to know more about
who else is implicated in the Wang Lijun case.

Wang Lijun, the former deputy mayor of Chongqing,
is being prosecuted by authorities.
On September 6, the Global Times, CCP’s mouthpiece media,
commented that the Wang Lijun case woke people up
to the fact that American embassies and consulates in mainland
China cannot provide shelters for officials
who have committed crimes, and they cannot decide
the fate and future of Chinese citizens.

An internet user: “The United States is the headquarters
of China’s corrupt officials.
What the Global Times said is pure nonsense.

The U.S. embassy may not be a shelter for corrupt officials,
but at least it has temporarily protected their lives.
Otherwise, they would have been labeled
‘death by suicide or accident’ long ago.”

Mainland civil rights lawyer Tang Jitian:
“I think Global Times not only has Chinese characteristics,
but also has a unique style in the world;
they often write in order to fool outsiders.
The truth is just the opposite of what he said.

Because the CCP always covers up the truth,
including important trials,
such as the trial of Bo’s wife and Wang Lijun’s
subordinates, they did not follow legal procedures, but rather a script to put on a show.”

Wang Lijun was Chongqing’s Vice Mayor and the right-hand
man of former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai.
He was famous for his anti-crimes movement in Chongqing.

But in February of this year, Wang Lijun was suddenly
transferred and no longer acted as director of Chongqing Public
Security Bureau and Secretary of the Party Committee;
he was only in charge of the science and education fields.
Following his demotion, he fled to the U.S. Consulate with
many documents in an attempt to seek asylum.

At the end of April, Chen Guangcheng, a blind human rights
activist in Shandong, also fled to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
On May 5, a friend of Mainland artist Ai Weiwei revealed
on Twitter that if Ai Weiwei is not allowed to go abroad
to attend the October art exhibition in Washington,
Ai would also become a guest of the U.S. Consulate.
Furthermore, Zeng Jinyan, wife of the well-known
human rights activist Hu Jia,
received an admission notice from the Chinese University
of Hong Kong in March this year.
So far she has not yet received the documents allowing her
to study in Hong Kong.
A media person, Wen Yunchao, suggested that if she is not
allowed to go to Hong Kong, she can go to the U.S. embassy instead.

Tang Jitian points out, “There is a popular song titled,
‘Can’t Afford To Hurt.’
In actuality, the CCP cannot afford to have similar
U.S. Consulate intruders like Wang Lijun.
However, how many people’s human rights in China
will be protected without the outside factors?"

The article in Global Times also said that currently in China,
an embarrassment cannot be covered up, no matter how big.
No one wants to cover it any more.

If anyone commits a crime, he/she will have to face legal
sanctions regardless of his/her position."

Tang Jitian said in this regard, the Global Times does not
provide news, but rather the typical use of asymmetric messages to manipulate public opinion.

Tang adds, “On this issue, no matter how the CCP tries to hide,
the subsequent effects are beyond control.
Since February 2012, it has said that our rule of law
and human rights is five times better than the U.S.
Anyone who has a little bit of common sense would know
the CCP is all mixed up.”

Zhang Zanning, Law Professor at Southeast University,
said that under China’s law, people are not all equal.

Chang Tsanning: “Under an autocratic regime,
I think everyone is insecure;
only in a democratic country with rule of law
will human rights be protected.
In the past, one could run to the United States as long as it
is a country with rule of law where human rights are protected."

Commentators believe Chinese people now want to know
who else is implicated in the Wang Lijun case, and will disregard how the CCP’s mouthpiece reports.
