【禁闻】中共“养狼计划” 为哈萨克再添金







加拿大体育教练 鞠滨:“这个体制本身我觉得是一个不完善的体制,有一个人为操控的因素,所以你不知道你觉得你看重的运动员,你把他留下来了,那其他的这些你认为没有潜质的,你可能你就不想要他,然后呢,这些人就被流到别的地方去了,甚至于到了国外。”




原《河北电视台》编辑朱欣欣认为,中共这种“养狼计划” 就是一种投机主义,唯利是图的外交方式。

原《河北电视台》编辑 朱欣欣:735 “它通过其他的经济,或者体育的方式,给一些国家以好处来拉拢一些国家,实际上最终不是为了中国的利益,而都是为了巩固中共专制独裁的这种体制,为中共专制体制的形象来给它自我美化。所以说这种行径可以说最后贻笑大方,会招到世人耻笑。”

鞠滨指出,现在因为没有拿到金牌,大家都互相推卸责任,把这个矛盾给凸显出来了,中共的“养狼计划” 才遭曝光。

鞠滨:“这个从上至下的这个制度,实际是一种很可怕的、人人可畏,因为你如果没有成绩,你下面的人就把你顶掉了,中国这种体制就是这样的, 当他没有拿到所理想的成绩的时候,大家都要推责任,那首当其冲的就是在这个位子上的人,他要有说法,所以这个问题就来了。”



采访/易如 编辑/李韵 后制/朱娣

CCP Gives Away Gold Medals to Kazakhstan

July 31, Kazakhstan won an Olympic a second
gold medal in women’s weightlifting.
The winner KAZ originates from China,
as did Zulfiya, who won the first gold.

KAZ from Kazakhstan won an Olympic
gold medal for 63kg women’s weightlifting.
This combines a snatch 110kg and jerk 135kg,
with a total result of 245 kg.
She broke the Olympic record.

KAZ was born in 1985 in Liaoning, China,
with the Chinese name Yao Li.
She entered the Hunan weightlifting team in 2006.
In 2008, she was sent to Kazakhstan by the authorities.
She won two world championships
in 2009 and 2010 for Kazakhstan.
She also won the Asia Games in 2010.

On July 29, Chinese athlete Zhou Jun
failed to lift after three attempts.
Winner Zulfiya from Kazakhstan
was put under the spotlight.
She was discovered to be a Chinese
athlete, named Zhao Changling.

Born in Hunan, and being a member of Hunan
weightlifting team, the 19-year-old was sent to Kazakhstan in 2008 by the regime authorities.

Canadian coach Ju Bin said that it is part of the CCP
sports commission’s Wolf Breeding Program (WBP), which also applied to table tennis athletes.

Ju Bin: “The system itself is defected, manipulated.

You keep the athlete you want,
while give away those you don’t want.
The unwanted would go to other
places, and some went abroad.”

WBP was brought forward by Cai Zhenhua,
deputy director of General Administration of Sports.
When he took over the table tennis association,
he made the long-term plan for its growth.
This intends to send out and invite in.

The program was later adopted
by the weightlifting team.
Through training foreign and Chinese athletes
together, China helps other countries to improve.
This is in order to maintain the surviving environment
for those programs dominated by Chinese athletes.

Ju Bin: “There is one factor, that the Chinese sports
system makes it difficult to survive as an athlete.
There are no fair competitions or selections,
which leads to such a strange situation."

Zhu Xinxin from Hebei TV said that the WBP program
is a diplomacy of pure greed and opportunism.

Zhu Xinxin: ‘They use economic or sports
benefits to buy in some countries.
They didn’t do this for China, but to consolidate the
dictatorial regime. It is to improve the image of CCP.
What they are doing will
make themselves a laughing stock"

Ju Bin said that after they lost the gold medal,
everyone is pointing fingers.
The conflict was disclosed
and the program discovered.

Ju Bin: “The total system is horrible,
and everyone is scared.
If you can’t achieve something, you will be removed.
The whole system is like that.
If they didn’t get the desirable
achievements, everyone blames others.
The first to be blamed is the top management.
So the problem was exposed."

Besides, after the competition, some journalists tried to
interview Yao Li in Chinese. They were turned down.
She insisted that her weightlifting
career had nothing to do with China.
She also said that she only stayed
in China for a short ten year period.
Her heart is now with Kazakhstan.

Reporters said that Zhao Changling
had a 5-year contract with Kazakhstan.
If everything goes right, she and Yao Li will return
to China in 2013, and represent China in competition.
