
【新唐人2011年7月4日讯】7月1号,中共主席胡锦涛在“党庆”90周年大会上,发表讲话。胡锦涛承认中共目前遭遇“四大考验”和“四大危险”,各界人士称胡锦涛的发言空话连篇无新意 请看报导。


在讲话中,胡锦涛首先简要回顾了中国共产党90年来所谓“三件大事”、“三大成就”、 产生了“两大理论成果” ,以及还提到中共面临着“四大考验”“四种危险”。














Hu’s July 1 “4 Tests" Speech

President Hu Jintao made a speech on July 1,
at Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 90th anniversary.
He admitted of 4 tests and 4 crises faced by CCP.
His speech was called an empty talk
by people of all walks of life.

The CCP held its celebration of the 90th anniversary
in Beijing, where Hu Jintao made a speech.

In his speech, Hu briefly overviewed the CCP’s
so-called “3 major deeds", “3 accomplishments",
“2 theoretical contributions", as well as admitting
4 tests and 4 crises the CCP is currently facing.

Zeng Ning, a democracy activist in China
said Hu’s speech was virtually an empty talk.

Zeng Ning: “During his review of history,
his elucidation and explanation are not truthful,
but full of empty talks. On the other hand,
what he prescribed as a tackle to current problems
sounds encouraging but useless.
It is merely a lip service.
It can not solve the real problems."

Hu claimed to actively and steadily promote
a political reform. He said, the nature and core
of socialist democratic politics are the people
who are the master and in charge. However,
are people in China really the master and in charge?

Cao Changqing, a political commentator: “There is
nothing new. Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping
and Jiang Zemin said the same thing, but they never
acted accordingly. For democracy, you should do it
like Taiwan and the West, allowing people to vote;
instead, you deprive them from election rights.
So, when the CCP leaders are shouting democracy
and letting people in charge, they are dishonest."

Recently, Chinese local elections began to take place.
What is different this year is that many independent
Candidates, from celebrities to ordinary citizens,
openly expressed their wishes to participate
in the election to exercise their constitutional rights.

After Liu Ping and Wei Zhongping from Jiangxi
were suppressed, people like media commentator
Li Chengpeng and businessman Cao Tian
have also participated in the elections,
but wereall suppressed by the authorities.

Cao Changqing: “Since the Jasmine revolutions
in North Africa and Middle East, the CCP tightened
its control to suppress the different voices
using public security forces and mafia too. I think
China is now in the darkest period of its history."

When Premier Wen Jiabao visited the UK in June,
he once again spoke of a political reform.
Philosophy Professor Xu Youyu
from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
told BBC Chinese that the CCP shows no sign
of a political reform coming in the foreseeable future.

Liu Yinquan, a democracy activist:
“I believe this signifies CCP’s internal struggle.
Since the Politburo is under collective leadership,
all the 9 standing members need to unanimously
agree on something, especially political reform,
before they can do something. Some members
disagree, so there will be no political reform, I think."

As the CCP lavishly celebrated its anniversary,
dissidents in China continue to be suppressed,
including a large number of petitioners in Beijing.

Xu Youyu said, all levels of CCP’s officials,
are extremely nervous of instantaneous incidents
in society, fearing they would spread across China.
So, they would maintain the so-called stability
by all means and at all costs.

Some people pin their hope on CCP’s new leadership
after the 18th congress. However, Xu Youyu said,
the past 30 years have proved that no hope pinned
on any CCP new leadership has ever eventuated.

NTD reporters Liang Xin, Li Jing and Xiao Yu
