【禁聞】「末日空氣」大逃亡 高薪難留外國人


據《中新網》報導,近來,大陸多地再受霧霾侵襲。12月24號,北京、天津、山西、山東河北、陝西等省份的16個城市,空氣指數(AQI)超過300,為重度污染,局部地區 AQI指數已經達到500,並出現了重度霾。這已經是今年以來,大陸第三次出現大範圍的嚴重霧霾天氣。








除了個人遷徙,很多在華的外資企業也做好了撤離中國的準備。一家位於日本香川縣坂出市的服裝廠負責人表示,「不得不考慮從中國撤退」。而 日本《產經新聞》報導,為避免風險,日企會加快向東南亞國家遷移的速度。





採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/李智遠

Escape from “End of the World Air";
High Salary Cannot Keep Foreigners

The issue of fog and haze has become more and more
serious and wide spread in China in recent years.
Long lasting and wide-spread fog and haze happened
frequently this year over more than half of China,
affecting 600 million people.

Most residents suffer from respiratory diseases.

Many foreigners have left China or think of leaving China,
worrying about their physical health.
Foreign enterprises are also considering leaving China.
A migration from “End of the World Air" just began.

According to chinanews.com, fog and haze occured again
recently in many areas in China.
On December 14, the air quality index (AQI) was over 300,
regarded as severe pollution, in sixteen cities including Beijing,
Tianjin and cities from Shanxi, Shandong and Hebei Provinces.

AQI in some areas were over 500 with severe haze. This was
the third serious and large-area fog and haze this year.

Persistent fog and haze leads to a sharp increase of
respiratory system and cardiovascular diseases.
Foreigners who live and work in China have less resistance to
haze and have fallen ill.

Amanda who teaches in Beijing said:
“I have lived in china for one year and a half.The part I dislike most is the pollution that causes all of the haze. When I first arrived in china, even a little bit haze weather would make my eye worn and burn, and it is very difficult to breathe."

I have had both Chinese and American friends who have left Beijing due to the haze weather. I have three American friends moved back to state, and another two moved to another city. One of them moved to shanghai and another moved to Taiwan. 3 of my Chinese friends have also moved away from Beijing, related to the pollution to the air. My friends keep leaving Beijing because the air is so bad.

I definitely worry about my health, because last year I have been sick quite often. Even this year I’m so little bit sick. And I know it’s possibly in part due to the weather. Because I am usually very healthy and everytime I’m sick it is always related to my lung when breathing. Maybe I don’t have a bad affect if I stay all way five years, but if I just stay 15 or 20 years even more, I can probably face some problem.

I don’t have any friends that interested in coming to china. Most of them think I’m crazy for having come to china.

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/LiZhiyuan
