【禁聞】美批中國人權 延續負面發展







同時,聯合國人權小組「強迫或非自願失蹤」工作組,也公開關注中國最近一波逮捕維權人士及律師的行動。這個小組警告,根據國際法,所謂的強制失蹤屬於犯罪。「強制失蹤或非自願失蹤」工作小組說,他們正式抗議中共「持續壓迫異議人士」 這種「令人髮指的做法」,並對這些受迫害人士提供補償。




U.S. Criticizes China’s Human Rights Record

As the world inquires for Chinese artist Ai Weiwei’s,
China’s human rights record is again under fire.
Recently, the U.S. State Department released
its annual human rights report
where Beijing was harshly criticized.

Chinese Foreign Ministry responded:
this is interfering with China’s internal affairs.

April 8, the U.S. State Department released
“2010 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices".
Of the 7000-page report, 145 pages
were about China. It said that the negative trend in
key areas of China’s human rights record continues.

On April 9, China Foreign Ministry spokesman,
Lei Hong, responded with the same statement
as that of last year. He said: “The U.S. should stop
being a human rights teacher.
Stop interfering in other countries’ internal affairs
with human rights reports."

The report says in the past year the Chinese regime
increased efforts to limit freedom of speech
and to control the press and Internet. It resorted
to extralegal measures including detention,
and house arrest to silence political dissidents
and public interest lawyers, even their families
were also oppressed. Especially with regard to
politically sensitive dates or places,
the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
repression can be seen plainly.

The report cited Ai Weiwei and Gao Zhisheng’s
disappearances and said that legal activist
Chen Guangcheng, along with his family,
remained under house arrest.

For the first time, the report used some harsh words
like, “black jail,” torturing prisoners for confessions,
detaining and harassing journalists, dissidents,
petitioners and justice-seeking citizens, biased
criminal justice system, convictions handed down
to courts and judges, closed door trial,
strict restriction on political freedom,
religious freedom and travel freedom.
The introduction of China chapter ended
with “corruption remained endemic.”

Meanwhile, UN’s Working Group on Enforced
or Involuntary Disappearances has been
paying attention to China’s recent arrests
of dissidents and lawyers. The Group warned
that the enforced disappearance was a crime.
it officially protested CCP’s continuing oppression
of dissidents, and it provided support to victims.

The Group said that past examples include
the 11th Panchen Lama, Gendun Choekyi Nyima.
He has been missing since 1995, when he was 6.
Human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng too
has been missing for most of the last two years.

China’s human rights issue is still a hot topic.
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard told
Jia Qinglin, Chair of China Political Consultation
Committee, in his recent visit to Australia,
that Australia hopes Beijing can protect
its’ citizens’ basic human rights.

NTD reporters Wang Ziqi and Li Ruolin
