

譯者序言:“共產革命大虐殺 – 不自由,毋寧死”(Revolutionary Holocaust — Live Free or Die)揭示了共產主義、社會主義與納粹主義的共有理論基點,並將斯大林,格瓦拉與毛澤東的革命大虐殺的反人類罪行公諸於眾。今天以中共黨朝為首的“新納粹(民族社會主義)”與美國新社會主義回潮是世界所有熱愛自由的人們應提起警覺並要奮起反擊的。我很榮幸能將戈蘭. 拜克製作的“共產革命大虐殺 – 不自由,毋寧死”翻譯成中文以將共產邪惡的理論基點及罪惡的真相告知中國的人們。

作者介紹:戈蘭. 拜克 (Glenn Beck, Fox News 福克斯電視臺)是當今美國社會中最具影響力的、少有的保守派主流電視主持人之一。他也是唯一的一個有眼光、有洞察力、有勇氣的將共產主義、社會主義邪惡與今天美國左翼大政府病態情結暴露於眾的最具美國自由精神的電視主持人。


BECK: The atrocities of Hitler are rightfully recognized as beyond abhorrent, but we must continue to be vigilant to make sure they never happen again. We must never forget. But we also must never stop learning.

戈: 希特勒的殘暴是已被舉世公認的,但我們必須保持警覺以保證希特勒的納粹慘劇不再被重演。 我們絕不應、也絕不要忘記歷史。 我們也絕不要停止我們的思考與學習。

Here’s another story of genocide that for some reason history has erased.




BECK (voice-over): Growing deep within the roots of socialism is a brutal and dismissive view of human life.

戈(幕後音): 在社會主義的理念根基深層是一個對人的生命的暴虐與漠視的心態。

GOLDBERG: The essence of Marx is simply that the universe is run by this cold material, impersonal forces and that over time, we are going to see it move from the futile, through the capitalist to the socialist to the communist stage. Along the way, a lot of people are going to get killed. And Marx was completely fine with it.

張納. 歌德伯格: 馬克思對宇宙的解釋就是: 宇宙就是一片物質的、沒有人味兒的時空。我們只能作為渺小的無意義的存在見證我們自己根本就無法把握的歷史 – 從資本主義到社會主義到共產主義。在這個歷史的進程中許多人都要被虐殺、都要被滅亡。 馬克思對此無動於衷。

SNORE: The Nazi Germany, these groups were also defined by ethnicity, the Jews, for example, and so with union, they defined them by social origin. But the idea was the same.

埃德溫斯. 斯諾爾: 在納粹德國,人們是被“族群”而分的。 猶太人,還有工會,他們是被他們的祖宗與起源而定義的。 在此馬克思(階級論)與納粹是完全一致的。

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Communist (INAUDIBLE), dictator of 160 million Nazis (ph).

無名男子低語: (蘇聯)共產黨就是一億六千萬納粹者的專制頭子。

BECK: Today, most have forgotten the scale of the Soviet atrocities, particularly, what may have been their most horrific. It began long before Hitler’s horror was revealed. Popular uprising had become a problem in the Ukraine. Their spirit of individualism threatened the grand design of Moscow. Stalin decided to take steps and correct the problem.

戈: 今天,大多數人們早已忘卻了蘇聯共產專制的暴行,具體地講,就是那些人類歷史上最暴虐的行徑。這些暴行早在希特勒的“大虐殺”之前就已經在蘇聯進行著。 那時在蘇維埃的烏克蘭就時常有民眾暴動反抗專制。個體自由的精靈造成了對莫斯科專制者們宏大社會主義計劃的威脅。 斯大林就決定采取手段鎮壓消滅這個威脅。

HUNCZAK: The objective was to keep Ukrainians on their knees.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 斯大林的目的是要使烏克蘭人屈膝投降。

BECK: Stalin forced peasants to give up their farms under the banner of collectivization.

戈: 斯大林強制烏克蘭的農民們在“農業集體化”的口號下向蘇聯政府交出自己的田園。

HUNCZAK: The peasants are the army of nationalism. So, what do you do? You got to crush them.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克:烏克蘭的農民心裡是愛烏克蘭恨俄羅斯人的。 那你拿他們怎麼辦呢? 在斯大林腦子裡你就得徹底打碎他們的反抗心態。

VICTOR YUSHCHENKO, PRESIDENT, UKRAINE: My wife’s grandfather died in 1933. He was arrested, for refusal to join the collective farm. While he was in prison, his wife was forced to divorce him. When he returned from prison, he saw that he had no wife. He could not see his children. He had no house, he had no land. He had nothing. There are millions of such stories.

維克托. 尤溪恩科 (現烏克蘭總統): 我夫人的祖父在1933年過世。 他因為拒絕加入集體農莊而被捕入獄。他在獄中的時候,他的妻子被迫與他離婚。 他出獄的時候才發現他已經沒有了妻子、沒有了孩子、沒有了房子、沒有了土地。 他真實一無所有了。像這樣的慘劇在烏克蘭有成千上萬。

BECK: Stalin took everything — their independence, their livelihood, and even their food, plunging the Ukraine into famine. And while the people were starving, it wasn’t because the food wasn’t growing. Grain production was skyrocketing. Instead of giving the grain to starving people, the Soviets exported it to fund their centrally-planned industrialization. How the Soviets dealt with the hunger was inhumane.

戈: 斯大林奪走了一切: 他們的自由獨立、他們的生計、還有他們生產的糧食。 烏克蘭自此陷入了一場前所未有的大飢荒。人們挨餓並不是因為地裡不長糧食。 那時候是烏克蘭大豐收的年月。 可是挨餓的烏克蘭人得不到糧食。蘇聯將烏克蘭的糧食收歸國有以完成斯大林的中央計劃的快速工業化進程。 蘇聯對烏克蘭飢民的殘忍是非人反人性的。

NIKOLAY MELNIK, SURVIVOR, FROM “THE SOVIET STORY": They entered a house and asked, “Where are your dead?" There was only a half-dead woman laying in the bed. They said, “Let’s take her. She will die anyway. Why come after her tomorrow?" She begged them. “Do not take me. I am still alive. I want to live."

尼古拉. 茂尼克(在“蘇聯的故事”紀錄片中的一位幸存者): 他們一進門就問: “你們死的人在哪兒?” 看到床上躺著一個半死的女人,他們就說: “干脆現在就把她抬出去埋了吧。 她反正得死。 省得我們明天再跑一趟了。” 那女人哀求他們說: “求求你別抬我出去。 我還活著。 我想活著。”

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was horrible. They were all dumped into the grave. The ground was moving.

不知名的女人: 那真是恐怖。 活人死人全都埋在土裡。 那土堆兒還在動那!

BECK: The forced famine that resulted was so horrific, the situation so desperate that there were even widespread reports of cannibalism.

戈: 隨即而來的大飢荒讓人聳人聽聞。 許多報道都提到人們絕望到不得不吃人肉的地步。

HUNCZAK: I was once with a group of people going to one part of Ukraine, and I said, “Is there some older lady that could tell me something about what happened?"

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 我當時隨著一些人去烏克蘭的一地。 我就問當地的人: “有沒有能把話講清楚的女人告訴我到底發生了什麼?”

BECK: What the woman told him next, he would never forget.

戈: 他可一輩子忘不了那個女人告訴他的話。

HUNCZAK: And she said, “Oh, my God, I really don’t like to talk about that." She said, “You see, there is this house on the top of the hill there? A mother ate her daughter. She was already insane, because the people had reached the level of insanity. And then she committed suicide."

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 那個女人說: “上帝啊! 我真的不想講。” 然後她說: “在山頂上的那戶人,母親把她親生女兒吃了。 她已經餓昏了頭,因為飢餓到極點會讓人發瘋。 她吃了自己的女兒後就自殺了。”

BECK: How did the Soviets deal with this? They printed posters that said, “To eat your own children is a barbarian act." This period is known as, “the Holodomor," roughly translated as “murder by hunger."

戈: 蘇聯政府怎麼看這樣的事呢? 他們張貼布告說“吃你的孩子是野蠻人的舉動”。 烏克蘭人對那個大飢荒有一個專有名詞 -“喉瘺鬥嚰”,真意是“用飢荒來屠殺”。

YUSHCHENKO: Death from hunger was not unusual in the 20th century. But there is a difference between death from hunger and murder by hunger.

維克托. 尤溪恩科: 二十世紀時有人餓死並不罕見。 但在“因餓而死”和“用餓屠殺”間有本質的區別。

BECK: These intentional policies resulted in murder as efficient as has ever been seen in human history.

戈: 這些人為的計劃與政策導致了前所未有的、最為有效的人類大虐殺。

HUNCZAK: You find that whole families actually die out like eight members in the family.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 那時候你常常可以看到一家一家人,有時候一家八口,通通餓死光。

SNORE: Many millions of people are killed. And given the fact that it was done within one year, I believe it is certainly comparable to the great genocides of the 20th century.

埃德溫斯. 斯諾爾: 幾百萬人就這樣被虐殺掉了。 這只是在一年的時間啊! 我相信這個暴行是二十世紀中人類最大的族群滅絕的暴行之一。

BECK: Most know that the horrors of the Holocaust resulted in the deaths of approximately six million Jews. But what many don’t know is that the government-designed starvation in the Ukraine caused the deaths of between 7 million and 10 million in just one year. None of this is meant to diminish the horrors of the Holocaust. The pure evil that inspired it is above question and must be remembered vividly and at all costs.

戈: 許多人現在都知道希特勒的虐猶大殺戮造成了約六百萬猶太人的死亡。但今天大多數的人們並不知道蘇聯在烏克蘭的農莊掠奪僅在一年之內造成了七百萬人到一千萬人的死亡。這並不是用此去減輕對希特勒的殺猶政策危害性的估量。 烏克蘭大虐殺的邪惡性質與真相是被不容被辯解的。 人們應永世記住這些共產革命大虐殺的暴行。

Though, in addition, the other victims of vicious governments who have treated human life as nothing but a speed bump to their grand design must also be remembered.

同時,我們也不能忘記那些由於大政府邪惡的、所謂的為了人類的、宏大的虛幻構想 而造成的慘劇 — 它們將人命肆無忌憚地踐踏與虐殺,好像是人只是它們實踐革命路上的一塊絆腳石一樣。

HUNCZAK: It is not just the number of people. It’s the national culture also. Imagine how many writers, artists, all of them perished.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 被虐殺的人數只是這個慘劇的一個層面。 一個特有族群的文化也被有意地毀滅了: 想想有多少烏克蘭的作家、藝術家在那場大虐殺中喪生了。

GOLDBERG: One of the most disgusting things about the way we talk about communism is you have people talk about it as if it was this well- intentioned social experiment. But even at the level of first principles of the sort of planning session, it was planned and premeditated mass murder on a massive scale.

張納. 歌德伯格: 讓人最惡心的是: 現在人們常常談起共產革命就好像它就是一個意願良好的社會變革的實驗一樣。 但不管你從任何角度去看一個任何共產革命,它都是一個精心策劃的、早有預謀的、大規模的對人類的虐殺。

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With the newest devices of destruction.

一個無名的男子: 用最新設計的殺人新花樣。

BECK: All the while supported by prominent media members — “The New York Times" now acknowledges their role in the propping up of Stalin’s regime by their reporter Walter Durante. He called the forced famine in the Ukraine mostly bunk and viciously justified the millions dead by saying, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs."

戈: 這樣的共產大虐殺一直都有西方左派媒體的聲援 – “紐約時報”現在承認他們曾用像華特. 杜蘭特這樣的記者去為斯大林的暴行塗脂抹粉。他說由於蘇聯的農業掠奪造成的烏克蘭大飢荒死人是被誇大了。 他還惡毒地、恬不知恥地聲稱: “你要做個蛋餅,還能不先打碎幾個雞蛋?”

SNORE: Because of this information, many people in the West reacted quite passively to what happened in the Ukraine. Durante was there and his position was pro-Soviet. I think he did a lot of harm to the truth at that time.

埃德溫斯. 斯諾爾: 因為這些左派媒體故意扭曲的報道,當時在西方許多的人們對烏克蘭大飢荒的慘劇無動於衷。 杜蘭特之流的“親蘇親共左派”把持了主流媒體。 我認為像他那樣的人當時做了很多造假的壞事。

HUNCZAK: He reported, no, there is no famine in Ukraine. But there is widespread mortality due to diseases of malnutrition.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 杜蘭特當時對世界報道: 烏克蘭根本沒有什麼大飢荒,只有因營養不足引起的疾病而造成許多人死亡。

BECK: Yet still, even in August of last year, “The Times" wrote in a book review that despite the fact that Fredrick Engels, one of the founders of communism, was an advocate of ethnic cleansing, he would have been a fine man to drink with.

戈: 可是,就在去年(2009 年)八月,“時代周刊”在一篇書評中聲稱,雖然共產主義的奠基人恩格斯是個崇尚“優生種族清洗”的人,他仍舊是個你可以一塊兒與其飲酒暢談的君子好人。

And it is surely true that Engels’ larger critique of capitalism resonates down the ages.


YUSHCHENKO: Recognizing this as a tragedy means not only to recognize the genocide of the Ukrainian people. We should also speak about the crimes — not only of the Stalin regime — but about the criminality of communism itself. In my opinion, it is a very difficult discussion for a large number of people, including people from Europe, unfortunately.

維克托. 尤溪恩科: 今天回顧那些烏克蘭大飢荒的慘痛年代, 我們不光要永記那些共產暴行,我們還要大聲疾呼去向世人暴露那些共產暴行。這不光是對斯大林政權的控訴揭露,這是對在全世界所有共產政權與共產主義理念本身的罪犯性質的控訴揭露。我知道事實是今天世界上所多的人們不願正視這個共產主義的邪惡罪犯性質,也有意回避這個話題。 這個不幸的現像包括許多歐洲的人們在內。

BECK: And apparently, here in America as well. It is up to us to know the truth so our children don’t face the same threat ever again. Each year, Ukrainians gather to remember the Holodomor by lighting 25,000 candles. Why 25,000? Because during this intentional famine, they lost 25,000 people every single day.

戈: 我可以說,不幸的是今天美國的人們也是同樣。 我們今天要扭轉這個現像: 我們要了解真相並告知我們的後代不要讓悲劇慘劇重演。每一年,烏克蘭人都要聚集在一起回顧“喉瘺鬥嚰”–“用飢荒來屠殺”的共產暴行慘劇。 他們會點起25,000只蠟燭。 為什麼25,000只蠟燭?因為在“用飢荒來屠殺”的共產暴行慘劇中,烏克蘭每天有25,000人因飢餓而喪生。

Allowing this to happen one more time would be unforgivable.


HUNCZAK: The totalitarian system established by Stalin was responsible for murdering millions of innocent people in a most horrendous way. And nobody was interested in knowing about it. The question is what kind of people are we?

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 由斯大林所代表的共產專制極權造成了千百萬無辜人們的可怖悲慘的死亡。 但今天似乎沒有人想要知道真相。 到底是怎麼了?? 我們是什麼樣的人們啊?

BECK: In case you’re still not convinced that the famine was intentional, during our exclusive interview for this documentary with President Viktor Yushchenko of the Ukraine, he said during the famine of the Ukrainian people, they needed 10 million tons of grain to avoid hunger. They produced 12.2 million tons.

戈: 就说你仍旧不相信乌克兰的大饥荒是苏联人为的“用饥荒来虐杀以达到政治目的”,你可以再看看在我们的采访中乌克兰现总统维克托. 尤溪恩科所阐述的事实: 在乌克兰大饥荒中只要用一千万吨粮食就可以完全避免饥荒。 那一年乌克兰的粮食出产是一千二百二十万吨。

共產革命大虐殺 – 真相紀實(視頻三)

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