


法轮大法《明慧网》11月13号报导,42岁的吉林省吉林市法轮功学员李海龙,2007年被非法抓捕,后被非法判刑4年,被关押期间 ,遭老虎凳、吊铐等酷刑折磨,导致左侧肋骨处受伤。出狱后,经常被骚扰,去年10月再次遭到非法抓捕,被勒索2千元后放回家,几个月来身体一直不适,9月中旬含冤离世。


11月13号,北京维权律师倪玉兰通过海外中文网站发出信息说,她和被警察殴打致脑梗的丈夫董继勤,已经被北京警察囚禁3天 ,3天都没吃饭了,她的女儿也被锁在家里,前去给他们送饭的网友被警察抓走软禁。





11月12号,甘肃省兰州市政府在西客站 ,强拆两栋住宅楼,遭业主抗议,大批警察和黑社会打手到场镇压,多名维权业主被打伤,其中一名70多岁的老人伤重入院,4名业主遭抓捕。七里河区书记放下狠话:15号之前不搬走,就把这两栋楼的人活埋了。

Thursday, November 13
Rights Defending Update

Here is the rights defending activity across China today.

Falun Gong Practitioner Li Hailong Dies from Persecution

Minghui.org on Nov. 13 reported.

The 42-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Li Hailong from Jilin
City, Jilin Province, was illegally arrested in 2007 and illegally
sentenced to four years.

In which, he had been tortured with Tiger Bench, Hung Up
and other brutal treatments. His left rib was injured.

He had been constantly harassed after being released.

In October 2013, he was illegally arrested again.
He was sent home after being extorted with 2,000 yuan.

For months, his health has been bad
and finally passed away this September.

Ni Yulan Imprisoned And Starved for Three Days

Through an overseas Website, Beijing human rights lawyer
Ni Yulan told that the police has kept her family at home
without food for three days.

Her husband has suffered a stroke
from the police beating previously.

Netizens who brought food for them
were also under house arrest by the police.

Two days ago, diplomats from four countries had tried
to visit Ni Yulan but were blocked by the police.

There were 50 to 60 police awaiting outside of Ni Yulan’s home.

Thousands of Villagers And Police Confrontation in Nanchong

On Nov. 12, a standoff between thousands of villagers
and police took place in Nanchong City, Sichuan Province.

The villagers protested the odor and pollution of the garbage
power plant.

Clashes took place and many villagers were arrested.

Gansu Officials: Bury The Residents Alive

Protest against force demolition took place on Nov. 12
in Lanzhou City of Gansu Province.

Police and triads were at the scene to suppress the protest.

Many residents were injured, including a senior in the 70s.
Four residents were arrested.

Local district secretary said,
“Bury the residents in these two buildings alive
if they don’t move away before Nov. 15.”
