【禁聞】港佔中抗爭 路透: 北京決定不讓步
















採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/陳建銘

Reuters: China Won’t Cede to HK Protests

Hong Kong’s Occupy Central demonstrations

have lasted for more than two weeks.

Three sources with ties to the Chinese leadership told Reuters

that Beijing is worried that the protests will lead to a domino

effect in mainland China and that enough concession

has been given to the protesters.

Beijing leaders decided the central government would

“firmly not give in" to the protesters.

The military may be sent in if there were widespread chaos.

At 3:00 a.m. Hong Kong local time on Oct. 15,

hundreds of police armed with shields dispersed the protesters

outside the Chief Executive’s Office on Lung Wo Road.

The two sides broke out in an intense clash.

Reuters reported on Oct. 14 that three sources close to the

Communist Party leadership told them that Xi Jinping held

a meeting of the new National Security Commission

in the first week of October and wanted to end the crisis quickly.

The sources say the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) feels

it has compromised enough with Hong Kong;

“Universal suffrage is a sovereign issue.

The central government will not give in a third time."

The sources say China has yielded to demands

by Hong Kong twice already.

Once in 2003, when 500,000 people protested

the controversial Article 23, or sedition bill,

forcing Beijing to back off from passing it.

The other time was a rally in 2012, when 120,000 people

protested forced Beijing end plans to implement

a pro-CCP national education scheme in Hong Kong schools.

Zhang Jian, U.S. Committee of The Democratic Party of China

chairman: “The past two concessions were in fact the CCP’s

tactic to smooth out the relationship between Beijing,

the Hong Kong people and the Hong Kong government.

But in this movement of pro-democracy, the regime is

determined to fight against the peace and democracy

of Hong Kong.

The brutal ruling of the CCP is fully exposed."

The Reuters report quoted one of the CCP inside sources

who said, “(We) move back one step and the dam will burst."

The report says the insider continued,

saying that “if Beijing yielded, it could have a domino effect

with Tibet, Xinjiang and other parts of the mainland

demanding the right to elections.。

Xia Ming, Political Science professor at City University

of New York: “Hong Kong represents a set of universal values,

a civil society, and an influence of the West.

To a certain degree, it could bring a constitutional breakthrough

for China if it makes any concession to Hong Kong.

This could have a huge impact on the mainland

if the protest is achieving a progress in the election."

One of the sources told Reuters, “If the protests continue,

it would be Hong Kong’s loss, not the mainland’s.

Hong Kong people would suffer."

Zhang Jian says this statement

is more of a confession by the CCP than anything.

Zhang Jian: “Hong Kong is part of China, the loss of it

should be China’s loss, and a regression of Hong Kong’s

democracy and legal system is the regression of China.

When the central government claims the loss is only local,

not national, the attitude is one of telling Hong Kong people

that they deserve the loss.

It is an insult, and the CCP is trying to fool Hong Kongers

and all the good people in the world."

The Reuters report says, “However, China has decided there

will not be a bloody crackdown in Hong Kong, and sending in

the People’s Liberation Army would only happen

if there were widespread chaos, the second source said."

Professor Xia Ming analyzes that if the CCP won’t budge,

and Hong Kong students won’t take the initiative to withdraw;

some degree of clashes in the streets are bound to erupt.

Xia says if the CCP responds with strong violence,

the cost to maintain its rule will be very high,

and its ruling power will be gone even faster.

Xia Ming: “China’s stability maintenance costs have exceeded

the military budget.

The CCP is already facing a high cost for a civil war against

the people.

If Xi Jinping is stepping up on the repression, first, there is a

max limit in the cost, and second, China’s economy is now

in decline, the governmental finance is in fact declining.

His policies will have no supporting resources and will instead

meet with more resistance and face a boycott by the domestic

and international society."

The second source in the Reuters report says:

“The central government’s bottom line will not change,"

“Hong Kong is not high on the list

of the central government’s priorities",

“The economy is the top priority."

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Wang Ziqi Post-Production/Chen Jianming
