

中海玺园打伤业主 扬言打死赔钱





开发商勾结黑社会 半夜强拆民宅

河北省邯郸市大名南关 二铺村农民丹桂云,家中21间房屋9月12号晚,被开发商勾结黑社会利用大型机械强拆,致使丹桂云全家归流落街头,还经常受到黑社会的威胁恐吓,她们多次向有关部门反映情况也无结果,10月6号,丹桂云一家走上街头,举牌抗议。

吃喜酒百人中毒 家属维权被抓



Human Rights Incidents Update

Let’s have a look at today’s human rights events in China

Jiangsu Developer Intimated Petitioners, Threatening that:
“Killing You Is Only a Matter of Money”
House owners of Zhonghai Xi Yuan, a housing estate in
Yangzhou City of Jiangsu Province, are having disputes
with the developer over house quality problems.

Many residents visited local government for petition.

They also demanded return of house in front of
the building area.
On Oct.6, employees of the estate violently injured
several petitioners.
They even threatened that: “We have enough money to
smooth things out even if someone were killed”.

Shanghai Petitioners Gathered to Protest Illegal
“Expropriation” by the Government

On Oct.7, Chinese Human Rights Defender reported that
dozens of Shanghai petitioners cried out their grievances
at Renmin Park about two weeks ago.

They protested against corrupt party officials who grabbed
their land in the name of “expropriation”.

Those officials later sold land to make profits, and police,
procuratorates and courts always protected what they did
by persecuting petitioners in all manners, protesters said.

Sources said that, Beijing’s Inspection Group did not solve a
single petition case during their two-month stay in Shanghai.
Between Sept. 15 and 16, members of the Inspection Group
even assaulted Wu Dangying, Xiang Huilan, Zhang Gendi,
Wang Peiyun and other petitioners.

Hebei Developer Hired Mafia Groups to Forcibly Demolish Civilians’ Home

Dan Guiyun and her family live in Nanguan Erpu of Daming
County, Handan City, Hebei Province.
On the evening of Sept. 12, Dan’s 21-room house was
forcibly demolished by mafia groups hired by a developer.
Dan’s family now has nowhere to live and they are still
being intimidated by mafia gangs.
They had petitioned to local governments many times
but received no reply.
On Oct. 6, Dan and her family made a slogan protest
on street.

Guangxi Protesters Against Toxic Food Arrested by Local Government

On Oct.6, hundreds held slogans in front of a restaurant
in Pingguo County, Guangxi Province.
They protested because those hundreds all became sick
after eating contaminated food in that restaurant.
However, all protesters were arrested by
the “anti-terrorism team” of the county government.

Interview /LiYun
