【禁闻】周案传最新消息 海外热猜更大老虎

【新唐人2014年08月28日讯】周案传最新消息 海外热猜更大老虎




江系溃败 百度解禁“法办江泽民


在《百度》搜索栏键入关键词 “法办江泽民”、“法办周永康” 、“法办罗干”、“法办刘京”后,会出现很多有关法轮功反迫害的图片,包括海外法轮功学员和平请愿时,打出的“法办江泽民 罗干 周永康 刘京”、“停止迫害法轮功”、“法轮大法好”等横幅图片。


北京新华社门口 五旬男子自杀

8月27号,北京《新华社》门口, 一名男子服毒自杀,引起关注。





Latest News of Zhou Yongkang’s Case Causes Interest
In Who Is The Next Bigger Tiger

The latest news of former Communist Party Politburo
Standing Committee Zhou Yongkang’s case was August 27.

During the public open day activity for foreign diplomats
from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Supreme Court,
Supreme Court spokesman Sun Jungong said the Zhou
Yongkang case is still in the investigation stage.

According to Hong Kong media, Central Discipline Inspection
Commission (CDIC) secretary Wang Qishan appeared at the
25th political consultative conference and answered questions
regarding anti-corruption issues.

When he was asked if there is any bigger tiger after Zhou
Yongkang, he smiled and said “you will get to know later."

Wang Qishans attitude is interpreted as an answer by the
foreign media.

It’s being guessed overseas who is the bigger tiger after
Zhou Yongkang.

Baidu Website Raised The Ban On
“Send Jiang Zemin to Justice"

On August 27, the mainland’s largest search engine website,
Baidu once again stopped a ban on the overseas information
of Falun Gong practitioners against the persecution.

Inputting key words such as “punish Jiang Zemin by law",
“punish Zhou Yongkang by law", “punish Luo Gan by law";
“Punish Liu Jing by law" in the Baidu Search area, brings
up ,many Falun Gong’s anti-persecution pictures including
overseas Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful petitions with
the banner with the following words;

“Punish Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing, Zhou Yongkang
by law";

“Stop the persecution of Falun Gong", “Falun Dafa
is good" and so on.

With each critical moment of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
senior inner struggle, Baidu will briefly lift some banned news.

It was analyzed that, this time Baidu released the news “punish
Jiang Zemin by law".

This might be related to the Jiang faction’s collapse and
the approaching day of Jiang Zemin’s arrest.

Man Attempts Suicide At The Door Of
Beijing Xinhua News Agency

On August 27, a man attempted suicide by poison at the door
of Beijing Xinhua News Agency, which caused concern.

According to the uploaded pictures, the rescue staff are
seen but its not clear of the poisoned person’s condition.

Mainland media reports said, it took place at the south gate
of Xinhua News Agency, at Xuanwumen West Street 57.

Beijing police later confirmed that poisoned guy is over
50 years old.

The incident caused discussions to take place online.

A lot of netizens wrote, “people blocked the road to sue in
ancient times;

Today people drink pesticide at the newspaper agency gate."

Someone guessed the story behind and said: how big a
grievance it must be to push a guy not to have a life.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
