【禁聞】台灣學運將光榮退場 大陸民眾讚賞














採訪編輯/熊斌 後製/陳建銘

Mainlanders Admire Taiwanese Student Movement

After 22 days of occupying the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, the

Sunflower student movement will make a glorious exit.

The student representative announced the evacuation of the

Legislative Yuan at 18:00 on the 10th because of the good

progress on their demands.

This student movement has earned a high degree of recognition

and support.

Mainlanders also believe the success of the protest is a model for

the Chinese path to democracy.

Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan Deputy Wang Jin-pyng responded on

the 6th to the students’ demands.

He promised not to call any cross-party caucus meetings on the

trade pact until the new oversight law has been enacted.

His statement has finally resolved the impasse that has lasted for

more than 20 days.

Many Taiwanese KMT members along with Taipei Mayor

Hau Lung-bin, Taichung Mayor Jason Hu, and New Taipei City

Mayor Chu Li-luan,

have also expressed their support of Wang Jin-pyng’s statement.

The mainland netizens have also expressed their appreciation for

the Taiwanese students’ insistence on the protest.

Mr. Wang, Guangzhou netizen: “It is legitimate that people take

to the streets or students occupy the Legislative Yuan when

there is disagreement.

I have agreed and appreciated the students’ courage and

the movement.

It is a peaceful manner of expressing their opinions about the trade

pact and to make the glorious exit when their demands were met."

Students choose this Thursday to evacuate from the Legislative

Yuan to allow the legislature to reconvene on Friday over the

oversight laws

and permit break time for people to evacuate and


Human Rights Watch member Mr. Wang indicates that the CCP’s

repression of the Tiananmen students’ movement in 1989 has

killed the pursuit of democracy in the young Chinese.

The CCP’s politically oriented education has only trained servility.

He praises that the success of Taiwanese students’ movement is

a model for the mainlanders’ pursuit of democracy.

Mr. Wang, Human Rights Watch member: “Taiwan’s students are


Their enthusiasm was respected, and their safety was protected.

The mainlanders definitely admire what they have.

It helps those who strive for freedom and democracy in China.

We lack such respect for the students’ passion and pursuit of

freedom and equality.

That is what has troubled the mainlanders the most."

On March 30, with the students call to protest against the

cross-strait trade pact, 500,000 Taiwanese gathered in front of

the Presidential Palace.

On the same day, tens of thousands of Chinese also took to the

street in Maoming City of Guangdong, China, opposing the PX

chemical project.

However, the Chinese were met with armed police’s violent

repression, resulting in hundreds of casualties, including students.

The protest has lasted for many days and many were arrested.

Taiwan’s Sunflower student movement has inspiring Maoming

students to take to the street.

An anonymous high school student of Maoming City says

that there were many college and high school students in the

protest in Maoming.

Comparing to the violent crackdown of the Taiwan police on

March 23 night at the Executive Yuan, the mainland police are

more violent and brutal.

An anonymous high school student of Maoming City: “I admire

Taiwanese’ fight for democracy.

It is great that the Taiwanese can fight for their own interests.

The democracy in Taiwan is much better.

The mainland police act like outlaws.

They arrested over 200 people during those days."

At 20:00 on the 7th, Taiwan’s student protest leader

Chen Wei-ting spoke and said that the strategy of the movement

has turned from defensive to the offensive.

The seed of the youth in the democratic movement is planted.

He indicated that the four demands of the student movement:

legalization of the trade pact supervision, establishment of the

provisions before re-examination of the trade pact,

convening of citizens’ constitutional conferences, and rejection

of the cross-strait trade pact, have made progress.

Assuming that the student movement has accumulated sufficient

energy to push forward a universal movement,

this is the right moment for the youth to take it from the

legislature to the rest of the country.

He vowed to continue to pressure the government on the three

issues: oversight law, re-examination of the trade pact,

and the constitutional conferences.

On March 17, KMT legislator Chang Ching-chung

took 30 seconds to complete the Committee review of

Cross-strait agreement on trade in services.

Consequently, students protested the haste and black box

operation on the 18th by occupying the assembly hall.

Tens of thousands of students along with supporters

have participated in the students’ movement, known as

the Sunflower Student Movement.

Interview & Edit/Xiong Bin Post-Production/Chen Jianming
