【禁闻】刘汉案扩大 五省部级高官被点名




















采访编辑/李韵 后制/郭敬

Probe in Liu Han Case Connects to Five Provincial Officials

The legal case involving the mafia-style gang of Liu Han,
former Chairman of Sichuan Hanlong Group, has adjourned.
Chinese media have recently exposed five provincial
and ministerial level officials involved in Liu’s case.

The Sichuan tycoon Liu Han, an ally of former security
tsar Zhou Yongkang, was put on trial at the end of March.

The case was over allegations of gang activity.

Chinese state media reported that Liu Han,
along with his brother Liu Wei, and 34 other
gang members have committed dozens of crimes.

This includes the murder of 9 people.

Their underworld organization was believed to be supported
by official patrons in the Political and Law Commission.

This directly supplied them with arms and bullets.

The report also stressed that whomever constituted
the protective umbrella for these crimes will be brought
into the open, and will be subject to strict sanctions.

In the March 31 court hearing, none of the
officials behind the case were mentioned.
Also ommitted was information about Liu’s business
connections with Zhou Bin, son of Zhou Yongkang.

Some media criticized how the court has
dealt with these mafia-style gang crimes.
The court avoided the gangs business
and party official connections.

On April 7, Caijin.com reported that when Li Chuncheng,
former Deputy Secretary of Sichuan Provincial Committee,
was detained for interrogation during December 2012,
Liu Han had started to redistribute part of his assets.

Liu knew something was not right, and four
months later, he was arrested by police.

Previously, Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
state-controlled Xinhua News Agency hinted
that many people knew Liu Han was influential
with his gang background and official connections.

It was suggested that few other tycoons had his influence.

His connection with corrupt officials, through heavy bribery,
ranged from Sichuan to Beijing, and into the central party.

In the cover story of Caijing Magazine,
it detailed Liu Han’s circle of friends.
They included high ranking officials like Zhou Yongkang,
Li Chuncheng, Guo Yongxiang, and Li Chongxi.
They also included underworld figures in the casino
arena, and five provincial and ministerial level officials.

Commentator Zhou Xiaohui highlights the connections
between these five officials and the Jiang Zemin faction.

Beijing political observer Hua Po analyzes that the exposure
of these five officials reflects intense internal struggles.
It indicates a certain faction of the regime
is anxious to deal with Zhou Yongkang.

Hua Po: “It looks like the case of Zhou Yongkang has been
tough to push through, because of it’s scope and complexity.
Bo Xilai’s case has set an example to these “tigers"
that they should deny all charges and plead not guilty.
It is a big question mark if Zhou would
accept charges brought against him"

It was rumoured that Zhou Yongkang
was to be investigated last December.
The Communist Party’s Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
spokesman Lu Xinhua’s commented about this on March 2.
He said, “you understand", and acknowledged
the investigation of Zhou Yongkang.

On March 3, Ge Jianxiong, a member of the Standing
Committee, told Hong Kong media that one or more
former Standing Committee members had been removed.

He would not reveal further information,
because it’s not yet publicized by the regime.

An article about the roadmap to hit the “tiger"
officials was widely published in state media.
It is believed this is laying the foundation for public opinion
in dealing with Zhou Yongkang, and even Jiang Zemin.

On April 7, Voice of America reported Zhou Yongkang
denied all charges, and his relatives outside of
China also protested that Zhou was facing injustice.

The regime seems unable to get the case moving.

Analysts believe that with more people exposed in
Liu Han’s case, mostly in connection with the Jiang
faction, Xi Jinping seems to be closing the net by dealing
with Zhou Yongkang and Jiang Zemin at the same time.

Zhang Tianliang, former visiting Professor at George Mason
University: “Liu Hans’ case has involved more people.
This criminal case will have a wider
implication and social impact, in time.
It could establish more than just corruption
charges in Zhou Yongkang’s case."

This may include Zhou Yongkang’s involvement
in plotting a military coup to overthrow Xi Jinping.
It may also include his involvement in crimes against
humanity during the persecution of Falun Gong.
However, Hua Po does not believe
the regime would dare to touch this.
Bringing these crimes against humanity to justice
would be equivalent to putting the entire CCP on trial.

Interview/liyun Post-Production/guojing
