










1号,200名吉林访民集体到最高法院门外抗议,访民们举着“冤假错案 早日解决”等横幅。同一天,来自上海、河北等多省近30名访民,集体在天安门金水桥抛撒上千份传单。






大陆维权律师唐吉田:“从根本上来说就是,官方为了保证自己的特殊地位,特意的维稳,和民众觉醒之后,争取权利的矛盾,显得越来越突出。也是中国这种只重视所谓物质利益,而忽略社会公平正义的建设,法律的建设方面也是强调政府的需要,而忽 略民众的诉求,这样的一系列的从大到小的矛盾的集中爆发。”


采访/朱智善 编辑/田净 后制/钟元

People Are Boiling with Discontent:
450 Group Anti-Violence Events in the First Week of 2014

The struggles among the party´s various factions have been
escalating since the New Year 2014.Meanwhile, group anti-violence events have been taking place one after another.Based on an incomplete statistics, 57 group anti-violence cases occurred on January 1st, and more than 450 cases
in the first week of 2014. Some analysts think that the frequency of group events reflects the exploding conflicts between the party and the ordinary people.

With the Chinese New Year approaching,
migrant workers are preparing to go back home and
spend the festival with their families ,
after a whole year of hard work in the cities.
Nevertheless, because salaries are not paid
or not fully paid to the workers,
rights-defending events take place one after another.

On January 2, hundreds of unpaid workers marched
on the county government building in Shuangliu County,
Chengdu City, Sichuan Province,
holding banners “I need the money to buy food”.
Meanwhile, the local government sent a number of security police to defend.
The two sides collided a few times during the day.

On the same day, hundreds of migrant workers knelt down
and begged to get back their unpaid salaries
in front of “Shoe Packing Center”, Zhengzhou city, Henan Province.
A store owner nearby confirmed with “New Tang Dynasty” (NTD) that
they were workers asking for unpaid salaries.

Mr. Hu, the owner of a restaurant nearby the “Shoe Packing Center”:
“There were people asking for unpaid salaries,but I don´t know where they were from. On a piece of white cloth, it says ‘asking for unpaid salaries’.”

Not only unpaid migrant workers defend their rights in groups,
but also people in China defend their lands with their lives.
Resistance against forced-demolition takes place every day too.

On January 7, the head and other local officials of Guanzhai Town,
Julu County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, invaded Xiqiaozhuang village,
along with armed police. They violently beat and arrested the residents there,
and the conflicts were fierce.

Chen Guanghe, the resident representative of Xiqiaozhuang,
was interviewed by “Radio Free Asia” (RFA). Chen disclosed that
the Xiqiaozhuang residents were attacked because they stopped
and detained the diggers tractor and shovels that were driven
into the village sneakily to destroy their farm land on January 3.

Chen Guanghe: “About 10 residents have been arrested.
The police station of Julu County colludes with gangsters.
They were trying to take over the farm land belonging to our village
without following any legal procedure.
They were taking away our farm land and even ruined the wheat fields.
Then the Julu police station employed more than 200 police
to crack down on us. They use police batons to beat the residents.
When we call 110 for help, the police remain indifferent. ”

The residents of Xiqiaozhuang village defended their farm land
from being forcibly taken over. The domestic media has kept silent
about it. The local government officials also play deaf and dumb.

Nonetheless, a number of human activists all over the county
show their support by holding banners, shouting slogans
and spreading flyers around the party´s Supreme Court
and Tiananmen square.
They welcome a new year with indomitable spirit.

On January 1, 200 petitioners from Jilin Province protested
in front of the Supreme Court, holding banners
“Wrong Cases Should Be Redressed Sooner”.

On the same day, another 30 petitioners
from Shanghai and Hebei province spread thousands of flyers
around Golden-Water bridge in Tiananmen Square.

Hebei petitioner Zhu Jianhong:”I visit the police station quite often.
I also went to register in the petition office,
but they refuse to have me registered.

There was really nothing else I could do so I went to spread flyers.
The police caught me after I spread the flyers.
They dragged me into a car and sent me to Majialou.”

It was learned that “Majialou”, the “black” prison in Beijing,
was jammed with petitioners on January 1.

Besides, taxi drivers and school teachers went on strike
to defend their rights too. Also, City inspectors´ brutality
caused small merchants to set themselves on fire.

As reported by “the Epoch Times”, based on unofficial statistics,
57 group anti-violence events took place on January 1,
67 on January 2, 82 on January 3, 34 on January 4,
23 on January 5, 108 on January 6, and 95 on January 7.

Why are there so many group events taking place in China?

Tang Jitian, Human rights lawyer,
“The root reason is that party officials try to maintain stability
so that they can keep their privileges.

Then conflicts arise and become more prominent
when ordinary people wake up.
Materialism has been overemphasized in China
and social justice has been neglected.
Similarly, the government has been emphasizing what it wants
but ignoring the ordinary people´s wants.
Thus, a series of conflicts has exploded all at once. ”

Tang Jitian concluded that the group events
defending human rights haven´t triggered the party
to do a profound self-examination.

The party hasn´t shown the willingness to make any adjustments.
Tang stated that now China is in a special period of time
risks and opportunities coexist.

NTDTV Reporter Zhu Zhishan
