【禁闻】三中全会 10万访民进京申冤

【新唐人2013年11月12日讯】三中全会 10万访民进京申冤





北京千人集会 男童举枪率众呼口号




彭博社被扣报导 涉中国首富王健林








100,000 Petitioners Appeal in Beijing During Party Meeting

The Third Plenary Session of 18th Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) is taking place in Beijing where the security is tight.
More and more petitioners went to Beijing to
appeal against their mistreatment.

64tianwang.com cited petitioner Shen Lida from Shanghai
that in recent days, over 100,000 petitioners came to Beijing.
On Nov. 11, in just one day, 50,000 petitioners appealed at
the three major offices for letters and calls for the CCP.

Petitioner Zheng Yuming from Tianjin says that the reception
of letters and calls offices have limited space.
They couldn’t hold so many people and estimated that
nearly 100,000 petitioners went.

64tianwang.com reported that this time the numbers of
petitioners are unprecedented.

Thousands Of Petitioners Protested Outside
Beijing South Railway Station

Some petitioners chose to gather on Beijing streets to protest.

On Nov. 11, thousands of petitioners protested outside
Beijing South Railway Station, including children and elderly.

The protesters held placards stating their cases,
a boy led them shouting slogans.

Many police were dispatched to the site to disperse
protesters, but no clash occurred.

Bloomberg Accused of Blocking Report Links
to China’s Richest

Recently, Bloomberg has been accused of blocked an
investigation report allegeing financial ties between
China’s richest man and the Politburo Standing Committee.

Sources say that Bloomberg was worried they could receive
retaliation by the Chinese regime, affecting their operations
in China so they had to block the report.

The UK Financial Times (FT) reveals the investigation report
discusses China’s richest man, Wanda boss Wang Jianlin.

The report says that regarding the self censorship,
Bloomberg internally has different opinions.
Matthew Winkler, editor-n-chief said that the report
was not ready for publication.

One person familiar with the situation told the FT: “The story
was fully edited, fact checked and vetted by the lawyers."

FT says that Bloomberg couldn’t risk jeopardizing its
position in China by running the story.
Winkler compared the situation with Nazi-era Germany where
media undertook self censorship to remain in the country.

A spokesperson for Wanda declined to comment.
