【禁闻】党媒惹祸 俄罗斯“取缔”唐人街

【新唐人2013年08月05日讯】党媒惹祸 俄罗斯“取缔”唐人街












Chinese Communist Party Mouthpiece Media Makes Trouble,
Russia “Bans” China Town

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Xinhua news recently
published an article written by Wang Xiaoshi called
“If Turmoil Ever Comes to China, It Would Be Worse Than
the Collapse of the Soviet Union.”
The article criticizes the democratic reforms of Russia,
and fabricates data to slander Russia’s economic situation.

After that, Russia media Voice of Russia questioned the article
on Sina Weibo, indicating that it will report it to Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Three days later, the Russian authority announced, “Chinese
immigrants have a low educational level”, and “China town should be banned.”

CCP mouthpiece Xinhua reported on August 4, that Russian
authorities announced that Russia has its national situation,
and Russia resolutely bans Chinese ethnic villages
such as China Town that combines commercial and living.

China issue expert Shi Cangshan analyzes that
Russia is acting like the CCP in this case.
Even its way of speaking was learnt from the CCP.

Clearly, Russia wants to say if the CCP uses rogue tactics,
Russia can learn from it to create a “Russian national situation”.
Russia also uses the CCP’s language such as “resolutely ban”,
which probably makes the CCP speechless.

US Congressman Opposes The Chinese Communist Party Joining the UN Human Rights Council

VOA reported on August 4 that US Congressman Kerry
Bentivolio proposed a draft resolution on August 2.
This opposes the Chinese Communist Party regaining
membership in the UN Human Rights Council.

The draft indicates that although the CCP signed the
convention, it keeps on using tortures and slave labors.
These actions violate the obligations of a member country.

The US should strongly oppose the CCP regaining membership
of the UN Human Rights Council and vote against it in elections.

Xiao Shu Released After Disappearing For 48 Hours

Well-known Chinese media person Xiao Shu,
who disappeared on August 2, has been released.
He posted on Sina Weibo on August 4 to reveal the process
of being illegally detained by Beijing National Security.
He also appeals for people inside and outside of China to
put pressure on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
He is fighting for release of Xu Zhiyong and 15 others
who participated the new citizens movement.
