







河南警察入村抓人 警车被缴

在河南荥阳市京城办事处康砦(zhài )村,因经适房征地问题与当地政府发生争执,多年得不到解决。7月24号下午,大批警察入村抓人,被村民包围,一辆警车被缴获。




25号白天,大约有五、六十位村民又自发到荥阳市政府抗议,要求释放被抓的村民,他们坚称:“不释放被抓村民,就不会离开市政府门口!” 据报导,被抓村民有15人左右。


International Media Focus On Bo’s Case

Bo Xilai, former Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Secretary of Chongqing was formally prosecuted.
Bo’s case once again became the focus of media attention.

Foreign mainstream media have published stories and
comments on the upcoming trial, and his possible prison term.

Reuters commented that Bo has not been charged with
plotting a coup, along with the corruption and abuse of power.
This seems to indicate that the regime of Xi and Li
tried to keep the case understated.

Wall Street Journal also said it is the most serious
political challenge after Xi’s taking office.

Washington Post speculated that Bo Xilai’s prosecution
seems to indicate that CCP has reached a compromise on how to deal with Bo Xilai.
Bo may be sentenced to imprisonment for 17 or 18 years, and
then on medical parole for the majority of the sentence.

Al Jazeera reported that no matter how Bo will be sentenced,
the ideological struggle among the highest CCP power level
will not calm down, and the outside world are questioning
the ability of the CCP to root out corruption.

The Epoch Times, an independent media
headquartered in the U.S. said
the CCP indictment of Bo covered up
two deadly crimes of Bo —
one is organ harvesting from living Falun Gong
practitioners and the other trafficking in corpses.
There was also the other crime of plotting a coup
attempting to kill Xi Jinping.
Any one of these crimes are sufficient to impose
the death penalty on Bo Xilai.

Police Arrested Villagers In Henan

In Kangzhai village, Xingyang, Henan Province,
villagers had disputes with the local government
over housing and land acquisition issues.
Police went into the village to arrest people, and were
surrounded by villagers, and a police car was seized.

The Epoch Times news network reported that
according to locals,
about five hundred villagers surrounded
the police with about 1,000 onlookers.
The police car seized was used to hold up a banner,
saying “illegal land occupation, being lawless.”

Subsequently, local police sent about four hundred
police and security staff, trying to get the police car back.
The villagers said, “If you don’t let our people go, we will
continue to hold the car," and both sides had a confrontation.

At 4:00 a.m. on July 25, officials again deployed
hundreds of police to clear the site.
Villagers near the car were forcibly carried away.

On July 25, about sixty villagers spontaneously
went to Xingyang government to protest.
They demanded the release of the villagers arrested.

They insisted, “If you do not release the villagers arrested,
we will not leave the door of city hall!"
According to reports, about 15 villagers had been arrested.
