















采访/常春 编辑/李静 后制/钟元

Xi Jinping Warns: CCP Is Facing a Life and Death Battle

Xi Jinping became the new leader after
the 18th National Congress.
Since then, Xi Jinping has been caught up in various crises
which are crippling to the Communist regime.
According to a Hong Kong based media report,
during a meeting in March of this year,
Xi Jinping warned, in the next two years,
the regime faces a life and death battle.

Hong Kong based media, Chengming Magazine
recently reported an internal speech by Xi Jinping.
Central Politburo of the Communist Party, conducted
two meetings on the 12th and 13th of March.
On the 13th, Xi Jinping delivered his speech stating,

“United understanding of enhancing the
Party´s strength in facing challenges.”
In his speech, he focused on the challenge and
urgency the regime is facing & the battle of life and death in the next two years.

In his speech, Xi Jinping admitted public resentment in parts
of China, and public anger is close to critical point.
He indicated, CCP is now facing intensified political crisis.

Without any significant improvement within two years,
localized crisis will occur, the central politburo will face tremendous pressure,
any governance & administration
will be hard to carry out.

Xia Ming, Professor of Political Science at the
City University of New York, believed
Xi Jinping has been facing expectation far from
what he could bear since he came to power.

Xia Ming: “Xi Jinping is facing a tremendous reform
pressure according to various public anger, civil rebellion, and a variety of mass incidents.
He is taking a more conservative approach which will result in
greater rebuttal and a likelihood in demise of the Party.
Even still, he has very little confidence even if he
does take this approach to reform."

Xi Jinping proposed the China Dream
when he first came to power.
In the Chinese report of Economist, Xi Jinping´s China Dream
was analyzed to possess two hidden crises:
One is ‘The resurrection of nationalism in mainland China’,

and the other ‘the Chinese dream empowers more to
the Communist regime rather than to the people.’

Chinese social issue researcher Zhang Jian indicated that,
in addition to political crisis caused by one-party dictatorship,
there exists multiple issues for the Communist regime,
such as economy and environmental protection.

Zhang Jian: “The massive development of railways, highways,
and infrastructures has created so much wasted effort,
which has led to the collapse of many industries.

Take China’s real estate as an example, a bathroom in Beijing
costs just as much as an apartment in New York city.
That´s China’s economic bubble. The ordinary Chinese
have a very harsh living environment.
Daily, they face toxic food, toxic air, & pollution.”

Xia Ming believes the Communist regime
is facing the greatest pressure,
from both the people of the opposition and
of the international community.

Xia Ming: “People had not paid much attention to
the Masanjia Women’s labor camp scandal,
or the Dalian scandal of plasticization of innocent human
bodies, perhaps out of refusing to believe such crimes exist.
However, since both Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun´s
incident was revealed,
the Communist regime´s internal scandal was totally exposed.

I believe, not just the Chinese but also everyone pays
attention now to China and
have realized the dark secret of the Communist Party
and the extreme evilness of this Party."

In the speech, Xi Jinping also listed three measures to ensure
the observable effects, including making the expense public,
income public, and property declaration public,
to resolve the employment issue, and to govern by rule of law.

Xia Ming pointed out that no one in China today believes
in the Communist Party´s promise.

Chengming Magazine criticized that the Communist Party
is in the terminal illness stages,
even Xi Jinping´s rescue effort will likely end in vain.

Zhang Jian: “What is the root of this problem? We all know
it´s rooted in the ruling of the Chinese Communist Party.
It lacks the ruling rationality and legality.
No one would choose such a ruling regime."

Chengming Magazine also stated that the best universal
remedy is freedom and human rights.
Give back the right path to the Chinese people,
& to live and breath freely is the correct way.
